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Update on Mom - how quickly things change?

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Saturday we spent the day over at my mom and dad's. I left feeling so positive and so thankful we were there. Mom was so alert, she was still saying her rosary non stop but was stopping and communicating much more. She even asked me to play some Elvis for her, so I broke out her cd's and let him rip. She was loving it, she was even moving her good hand to the music. My husband Brian was singing along with some of his tunes and Mom was loving every minute of it. She even gave him a smooch before we left and called him "her singing Elvis". I left feeling so good and really kind of positive. Dad e-mailed yesterday morning and said mom was much quieter again and looking even more frail ( I don't know how that is possible). I e-mailed him this morning and said we were going to come over tomorrow and spend the day. He just responded and said he was glad that we were coming tomorrow that Mom has really taken a change. The Priest was there this morning and said mass for the 2 of them, Dad said mom was very quiet and that she has been unable to swallow anything since yesterday after the nurse had left. I hope to make it there tomorrow while the nurse is still there. Even though mom has made it for longer than expected I am not ready to see her go and I guess maybe I was kidding myself after Saturday's visit that maybe everything would be okay. I can say though that I am glad that we had Saturday and that the girls were there as well. Will let you know how things go tomorrow. Thanks for listening there was nobody around and I guess I needed to get that off my chest.

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The ups and downs of this disease is one of the most difficult things for me to deal with. Just when you think all is going well it seems it can change in a single heartbeat. It can change from bad to good as quickly though so never give up. Sending lots of extra prayers, hugs and positive thoughts your way. I hope your Mom feels much better soon.

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Hey hon...I'm glad she had such a good day. That is so good. Its nice when that can happen, and your never ready to lose anyone, no matter how prepared you are my friend. Please come here and vent, PM me anytime. Honey, I loved the little craftys you sent me, they are beautiful, and I have them on my memoria shelf of my mom. I LOVE THEM. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. You hang in there okay.


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That is wonderful you made another day of special times with your Mom. I bet she enjoyed it twice as much as your family!! The downs are so darn bad with this disease but it sure makes the ups so much more valuable and special. I pray you have many more special days with your Mom...

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It is so great that you had such a good visit with your mom. I know that it is so difficult when you get a good day, and then things seem to take a down turn again. She is probably tired from the visit-seeing as she is so weak to begin with...but the visit was good for her and for your family. Enjoy the good times, don't worry that they will be fleeting...Life is fleeting, but when we embrace the moments that others might take for granted, that is when we are living life to its fullest.

Cherish the memories, and make more when you can. I am sure it meant as much to your mother as it did to you. take care, and whenever you need us, we are here. Deb

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As you may or may not know, my mommy left me just about 2 months ago. I cried when I read your posts just remembering the pain and emotional roller coaster I went through with mom. It hurts so bad, I don't think the pain of watching your mother go through this damned disease, is discribable(sp?). You are doing and feeling the same way that I did, everyone told me that the feelings were normal. So don't worry about why you do things, why you need to let off some steam, it's normal and we all understand.

I would love to help you in any way that I can. I am finally getting mad about this friggin' cancer. E-mail or pm anytime.


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