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update w/partial results Off to the hospital


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LOL! I just typed out an update and lost it all because I hit the "Back" button, so here it goes again . . . .

Not much to report yet. They only did one test today - the echocardiogram. The pericardial effusion is stable, so that's not the problem. That's a HUGE relief.

That leaves the problem related to the chemo (Alimta) or another chest problem. He's getting a CT scan as I type this of chest and liver, and they are going to do a blood work up to see if his blood counts are down from the Alimta.

The last test they have planned is an EEG for tomorrow morning of his brain to see if those two incidents this weekend were seizures. Thank you so much for the information, Ry! I don't think they would have even thought of it if I hadn't ASKED for it. :roll:

His breathing was a lot better this afternoon. Respirations were much better (20), O2 was 92, and heart rate was 89. He's feeling better, too, just exhausted.

The onc came in at 6:15 and was surprised that he was doing so well, but at least Don backed me up and told him he was/is having breathing problems, but it does come and go. He also told the onc that when he had those two spells it felt like he had no control over his muscles.

Side comment: I just can't believe how much steroids increase a person's appetite. He has been literally eating us out of house and home. I can hardly keep enough food in the frig and he's going through at least one box of ice cream bars a day, plus 4 or 5 danish. He had a HUGE lunch at the hospital at 3:00, and then ate a HUGE dinner at 5:15. I am just overwhelmed at the quantity of food he has been consuming. He needs the weight gain, though, so I'm not complaining - we just need a bigger refrigerator.

Well, that's all I know for now. I'll add onto this thread tomorrow when we get the rest of the results. I just can't thank all of you enough for your good thoughts, responses, and prayers. You are the absolute best!



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Dear Peggy,

I am very happy that Don is where he can get some professional attention and where others can tend to him. You, my dear, must be absolutely exhausted. Hopefully tonight you can get a decent night's sleep. Sounds like last night you were awake for most of it taking vital signs.

I am hopeful there will be continued improvement and that YOU will be able to feel more hopeful too. You are a ROCK, Peggy. Know that we are all behind you hoping for only the best.



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Hi Peggy,

I am glad that Don is in the hospital and they seem to be taking good care of him

I am keeping everything crossed here for good results. I feel this was a good move and they will finally find out what it wrong and fix it.

Prayers sent.


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Thank you for the update.

We were headed for bed (Yes, we are embarrassed by our early bedtime) but we decided to check for an update just one more time.

the report sounds good........we will continue the prayers.


I read on one of the threads where you said: " I wish I had a friend like ............. "

Well, please know that you are so very very loved and treasured

by all of us on LCSC. You are the best kind of friend to all of us and we just want to be sure you know that your love and support are returned.

Try to get some good sleep and hug Don and Mike for us.

Pat and Brian

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Dear Peggy,

Good wishes for you and Don! Hope they can get his breathing under control and make it easier for him! Glad the Dr. was proactive rather than reactive! Take good care of both of you and hope they get the problems solved shortly!

Take Care,

Botley & Mother

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Pat: LOL! Just wanted to clarify. On the other thread I said I wished EVERYONE had a friend like that. I think someone else said the other. I am blessed to not only have personal friends like that, but my wonderful cyberfriends, too - just like you!



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Sounds like Don has a good group watching over him. And plenty of food! At least it's THEIR refrigerator and not yours for a day or two. Hope he enjoys every bite!

I wish you a long soak in a hot bubblebath with nothing to think about but how darn good it feels!


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I'm so relieved to see that he is doing better and getting some relief. I hope this gives you an opportunity to regroup and get some rest yourself.

Keep us posted and I'll keep my eyes open for a good deal on a bigger fridge for you!


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Peggy...so far so good. I'm saying prayers that the remaining test results will be good, like the first one. I'm sure the doctors will be able to give you some answers after all the tests are completed! Just hang tough and be glad that you're not the one doing the cooking for Don for a couple of days with that new found appetite of his...LOL!

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Ok, it sounds like things are pretty stable..great! Today at the ocologists office Jeffrey weighed 225. Two weeks ago he weighed 238. The only change is the steroids. Once we started cutting back on that his appetite followed right behind. Good luck keeping up...flag down the Ice Cream man like I did.

Biggest sale he made all month!


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I am so sorry he is having these breathing problems. I am gald to see some good reultsnow! I know you are both relieved. Glad to hear his appetitte is good. I am glad i got a freezer to keep the ice cream in that seems to be a big issue for me lots of ice cream amd here lately lots of watermelon too! May God bless you both and give us all the strength and faith we need each day! Sandie

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