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Another new development


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Well, I had a new CT scan of the chest and abdomen done on Friday afternoon. My doctor called me at 4:00 pm yesterday afternoon (Monday) and told me I needed to get to MD Anderson ASAP. They found a blood clot in my left lung (the "good" one) and he wanted to start me on Lovonix (sp) a blood thinner right away.

I now have to give myself a shot in the "belly" everyday for the next 3-6 months. I had to go to the ER as the clinic was closed by the time we got there and they showed me how to do it. I can say that the needle stick isn't too bad, but it really hurts having the medicine going in. It is something I thought I'd never be able to do, but when you don't have a choice, you find you can do just about anything, I guess. (They made me do it myself the first time!)

So, back to the doctor tomorrow to get the rest of the results regarding the liver and I'll find out if we are going to do a 2nd Alimta.

This is getting harder for so many of us. I wish it wasn't that way....... :cry:


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I am so sorry to read you have developed this complication of lung cancer. This cancer can change you clotting mechanism and make you more prone to develop clots. I am so glad to read that they have put you on Levenox, a low molecular weight Heparin, this is the drug of choice for this problem. Donna G

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Oh crud!! This really stinks! I'm sorry you have another bump in the road! I just don't have any words of wisdom for you. Hang tough and keep on keepin on!

I do admire your spunk! You gotta do what you gotta do! :roll::wink: Just wish all the bad things would go A W A Y !!!

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I, too, admire your strength and determination. I'm glad that the clot was found and you are getting the treatment that you need...I wish you didn't have to do it yourself!

Keeping you in my prayers...

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TAnn,sorry there are more bumps in the road for you.

Giving the lovenox shots to the belly is very uncomfortable to say the least.After about a week of that my belly looked like a punching bag.It is already biggy sized and the shots made it all bruised.I was fortunate as I only had to do for 10 to 14 days a couple different times.

Hoping your liver counts are up enough to continue treatments.

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Geesh, T,

Insult on top of Injury.

You are so brave................you are right!! We have no idea the strength we can muster when we need to.

My your strenght continue and please know how much we care and that we are sending love and support for our dear dear pin cushion.


Pat and Bri


This is a hard time for our family on LCSC we are praying extra.

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So sorry that you have another hurdle to jump over. I really admire your spunk!!! I know this will be something you'd rather not have to deal with but I'm sure you will handle it just as well as you do all the other problems.....WITH A WONDERFUL ATTITUDE!!!!

I'm saying lots of prayers and hoping the "stickies" are tiny.

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I am sorry you have yet another hurdle to jump, but thank God the blood clot was found. I just don't know what to say, but I am praying that there will be a light at the end of your tunnel soon. It seems you have had more than your share. Keep us informed and know that you have lots of love and prayers comng from this group.



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What a bummmer and I'm not surprised that you are taking it in stride like another bump in this freakin cancer road. God Bless You, you're an inspiration to the rest of us.

Could that blood clot be what was causing all the pain you have been enduring? Hope it was and that the thinning stuff will alleviate it. Hang in there my friend. If anyone can handle it, you can.

Take care and God Bless.


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Crap TAnn if it's not one thing it's another. Your

in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there girl, hopefully you will turn the corner. Giving yourself shots is the pits.

Love Ya,


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ugh, such a disappointment. hopefully, the Lovenox will keep it all under control - Suki hated giving herself the SHOTS and the bruises were disturbing to her, as well. (me too :cry: ) hope things look up for you from this point on.



NOTE: I edited this. sorry for the unintended profanity (and the incorrect implications as to my mother's GI health :oops: ) - thanks Maryanne.

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That really sucks! Charlie has been a pin cushion for about a year and a half. He hates it. But, you do what you have to do to survive and fight this beast. Hope it gets easier and you can get off it and on to Coumadin in the near future. Take care. PRAYING!!

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Dear TAnn,

We do what we must do to continute being survivors. And that is just what we all are....YOU, TAnn, a SURVIVOR.

I am confident that you will be able to do what you need to do. I am sorry that you must do it.

I will be thinking of you at the doctor's tomorrow andhoping for some good news.

Prayers for you TAnn. MANY being sent your way.



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Oh Tann, G-d bless you.. you are going through one thing after the other.

But rest assure you will come out of this and things will turn around. You got to believe that.

You are amazing. Just think of all you have endured and here you are facing another setback. But like in the past you will conquer this. Keep the faith as faith doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it.

Thinking of you and sending prayers your way.

Hang in there, things will change for the better.

I just hate that needle thing :shock:


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TAnn, you are in my thoughts -- I do admire your being able to handle all this and get the blasted injections in...not sure, chicken that I am, that i could....

I echo the hopes that this will be short-lived and that you'll be on to coumadin soon.


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