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Hot Diggity Dog..


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Mom's cancer is stable, some of the nodules are reduced and her spine met is not visible. Wowee, we are so elated. Her back pain is probably being caused by the fracture that resulted from her fall last month (mom was convinced her tumor had grown bc of the severe pain). Thanks to Don and Lucie I asked Dr. if Zometa may benefit her and he said he had not even thought of it, but absolutely, so she got her 15 minutes transfusion of Zometa.

I just wanted to share our good news, so we will now sit back and enjoy. We are still praying for everyone else here...

Love and thanks, Lori

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Great news, Lori. Now, just sit back, take a deep breath and let all that tension go when you exhale!!! I really think you and your mom should do something special and fun to celebrate!!!

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I agree Ann, we went to eat after her appointment, as that is her favorite thing to do these days, she is still on 4mg of steroids daily :D She is about 6 pounds heavier today than at time of diagnosis, she won't stop eating or talking and we welcome those side effects. So, I am making veggie lasagna tomorrow night and I do want to have a party or sometihng over the weekend, maybe even surprise her with it.

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Yeeehaaaw's for you and mom, too!! Come on over to the pub where we're celebrating a day full of good news that we can all share! So glad things are looking good for mom! It's such a weight off, and for us, a chance to take a DEEP breath and regroup.

Lori's first round's on me!! CHEERS!

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Hey Lori!

Got plenty of pretzels.. hot and homemade with mustard, or the little stix or snappy pretzels from the supermarket.. Either way, we are stocked up. They do go real good with a beer. And darlin' you are getting your Sierra Nevada. Not one only, many! You earned them!

Ice Cold Freshly Squeezed Lemonade for Mom. We will get her all situated and safe from all the scally wags that come in here!

And Lori! Jackie (J.C.) likes the stools closer to the floor so it's not so far to fall!! May I suggest chumming up next to Jackie. Someone needs to keep an eye on her!

Lori, I am so glad that you have something good to celebrate. You have had your rough times...

Now, let's keep this party rolling!

love, Cindi o'h

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