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Medi-port installation and chemo


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Ronnie is scheduled to have a medi-port put in on Sept.13, he is then scheduled for his first chemo treatment on Sept. 15, does this sound too close to anyone? I am worried about the chemo lowering his immune system when he already get infections easily. (every little scratch, cut, staph after his bypass, replacing his AICD, etc)

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I don't think it is too close to start chemo from the mediport. Hopefully he won't pick up a bug at the hospital while he is there! Yes, the chemo will lower his immunne system so he will have to be careful and make sure he doesn't pick up anything. Maybe you can ask about shots to up his blood counts.

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If your husband is infection prone now, before chemo, make sure the oncologist knows you are concerned about this, and that you discuss it with him prior to surgery.

We all have had to be careful about picking up something from crowds at one time or another. Maybe there's some proactive step you could take that would make all of you breathe a little easier.



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in my opinion, it is not a risk. The chemo is cumulative. The first chemo I don't think will lower his counts that much, if at all. It is the later ones that he needs to be careful of his environment when the chemo does affect his cell counts and immune system.

I am not a nurse or doctor. Just going by my old labs, experience and common sense.

Hope this helps.

Cindi o'h

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Lucie started chemo the day after her port was put in surgically. She actually could have started the same day. The main thing is that one can get infection from misuse. Lucie, under advisement from the surgeon, does not let the staff use the port for anything but chemo and such. Also, be sure the nurse always flushes with saline and then heparin after use, to keep it clean. Don

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Like Lucie, I had my first chemo the day after the port was put in. Never had a bit of trouble from it. The nurses have always been very careful about sterilizing the mediport area before using it. I did take some anitbiotics for a while after my lung was drained. praying he gets over this old cancer stuff. pammie

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Make sure he has the numbing cream especially the first time. They tried to numb me with ice. I continue to use the cream for my port flushes. I do not feel anything when they access it. I apply the cream one hour before access and put a small piece of saran warp over it to keep the cream in place and off my clothes.

Good luck John.

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Thanks to everyone for their replies. I finally got a hold of the doctor's office and they said they would watch him closely while there and I can watch at home. They will start antibiotics when they put in the port.

I would, however, like to know more about the cream. Mr. Ry what is the name brand on that cream?

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