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Another getting to know you....September 16


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Cindi, don't feel sinful about meeting your man in a bar..........mine is worse. I was riding the the back bed of a pick-up truck being wild and dressed in a mini skirt (yes.....very unsafe...stupid). My girlfriends and I were cruising the main drag (back when it was legal still---it was the 80's). We stopped at a red light where there was a midnight blue corvette also stopped. Inside were 2 really hot guys. I dated the blonde for a couple weeks but ended up with the brunette (my wonderful husband)for 17 years!! The blonde was the best man at our wedding (weird huh?).........


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I LOVE this thread. So much fun. :) I feel all warm and squishy inside.

Andy and I met the very first day of college--the move in day before classes even started. There was this lame-o connect group that was supposed to get you 'connected' to the school, and people, and academics. Andy was in it. He had on cowboy boots and looked, "Weird." All of us in the group HATED the Connect group, and because of our mutual hatred of the group, it had it's desired effect, and we all became wonderful friends as a result.

Then I found out he was such a huge republican so much that I seriously suspected he had Ronald Reagon action figure underwear... Mom and Dad wouldn't go for that--and I wasn't sure I would either, so he was definitely out as far as dating went...

He asked me to the symphony freshman year and I ran up to my room and cried to my roomie that I definitely couldn't go on a date... Especially not with Andy... So I ran back down and found him and said, "I'll go. But it's not a date. It's a NON-date." And I emphasized that so fiercely that I was sure he would never look my way again.

His Daddy died Freshman year and it hit him really hard, and I knew he needed somebody to just sit and be quiet with sometimes, so I tried to be that person as much as I could be and we got to know each other and he was always special to me.

Sophomore year he was *SO IN LOVE* with a cute little red-head (who is still a friend of ours). He took HER To the symphony too. I pouted. I was also the person that he vented to (trying to be ambiguous, but I'm very smart and knew what was going on) about how much he loved this cute little red-head and how he was beginning to think it was unrequited... And then he found out he was right and he vented about that.

And then the end of Sophomore year I noticed he was *ALWAYS* around and had to sit by me anytime we were out with our friends or just hanging out in the dorms with everybody, and he insisted on always walking me home (but he did that with any girl who dared to walk back to the dorm by themselves because he is so chivalrous that way). And then one day he did that really cheesy yawn and stretch and put your arm around the girl thing. He doesn't remember that, but I do.

So we talked like three days before the school year ended and decided that we would still just be friends but see if anything else developed.

And the next school year we were still friends, and I really needed one at that point.

And then we went to this weinie-roast and he toasted my marshmallows for me... And a few days later, I told him I thought I might keep him around because I didn't really like toasting marshmallows, and he was very good at it.

I'm thankful for Marshmallows.

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My hubby was the cute Marine that lived around the corner from me. My younger sister and her friend were teenagers in high school and always flirting with him when he washed little black 66 VW. Somehow, I became the shy sister. He stopped in front of my house one day and stepped out of his car and said "Hi super shy Sue". Well, we dated for nearly a year and have been married for 35... :D


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I just gotten divorced, had an almost two year old daughter, needed a job, walked in to the local Pizza Hut, got an interview...the manager told me he loved my smile, and that's all she wrote!! :) and that was 11 years ago! He got in trouble for dating me, lost his bonus, so I quit and got a different job, we were married a few years later. :)

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I don't have a husband but do have a "significant other" or to make me feel younger...."boyfriend".....

I bought a house 4 years ago and he was the owner......

I had not met him previously but Rachel had as he bought thier first boat. When he put his house on the market Rachel kept telling me I should look at it- Without realizing it, the realtor took me out to look at the house and when I described the house to Rach she said, "that's the house!!" the second time I looked at it John was there and I thought- "how come I never meet a guy like this...nice, handsome etc, etc...." two years later I wwas at Rachel's for dinner and so was John.......the rest as they say ...is history!

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