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Distended abdomen?


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It could be the liver mets causing the stomach distention.

When my cancer relapsed it came back in my liver and pancreas. I don't recall any distention so much as my tummy just felt "unsettled". Not even true nausea.

However, the scan had shown nothing and even an ultra sound didn't show what was there. My onc does not do PETs because of the false positives and negatives...he just doesn't like them.

BUT....it wasn't till a gastroenterologist ordered an MRCP (also sometimes called ERCP)....which was an MRI of that area of my gut...that it showed FOUR LIVER tumors and MULTIPLE MASSES in the pancreas and pancreatic tail.

Not two days prior to the MRCP....the ultrasound showed NOTHING!!

Have your brother ask about an MRCP or ERCP...an MRI of the abdomen...as it might show what other tests have not.

Best of luck and let us know...and for what it's worth, my pancreas was totally clean after three cycles of Topotecan AND the liver tumors were cut in half...and have remained stable ever since! Pretty good news...all in all, eh? :wink:

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I wish i had an answer for you, but youare not alone. My mom has the very thing right now and has once before. No one can tell us why this is. Its almost like her tummy is a rock, but yet its fluid. She looks like she could deliver a baby any minute.

She has had a scan of every body part but her big toe over the last week and nothing shows. It really causes herproblems because the pressure form the bloating presses on her diaphram making it harder to breath and painfull. The doctors have started her on Lasix but I have not noticed it going down. If we learn anything about this during our current horpital stay I will let you know.


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Hello all, and thanks for all the good wishes and prayers..They certainly do help!! Mark has had every test for this abdominal swelling, they are all negative..Thank God!! They also did tests for abdominal parasites, they are also negative..The Onc says he believes it is from the chemo..he has seen this happen in the past, not very often but it happens..He is in the hospital on Morphine, and Flagyl..The Onc said he will probably be home by the weekend..This board and every one here has been my salvation for the last few months..As soon as I have a concern, or question I post it and the responses come in so quickly..I cannot thank all of you enough for that..

God Bless every one I have made friends with here on this board..

All my thanks and prayers,

Donna :wink:

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With him on the Flagyl, make sure he eats when he takes it or have some compazine handy. It is very hard on the tummy.

The distension is probably due to the Ca. Esp. when it is in the liver, it can cause the ascites (distension of the abdomen) I think you already said the dr said that tho.

Prayers for you all

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I picked him up yesterday and took him home from the hospital..The Onc said the chemo killed the good bacteria in his stomach and that is what caused this problem..The chemo takes care of one thing and kills another..Who can figure this out!!

I want to thank all of you for all the prayers and support..

God Bless you,

Donna :D

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