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Cookbooks are IN and......


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I spent this afternoon packing up the orders I currently have!!! I have 10 orders, packed up 78 books total.

The books really look AWESOME!!!!! My mom did such an awesome job picking out the style. Keep in mind that we had to pick from pre-designed covers and styles from the cookbook company.

I must say I am the most out of shape person ever. I am sweating like a little piggy from taking in the shipping boxes from UPS today, opening them, carrying in the cookobooks from the garage, packing, etc. Hopefully I burned some calories at least! Hahahahaha.

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Thanks Maryanne :) It really was not too bad. It just got bad like when I printed out 9 labels, then got to the 10th and forgot to hit the row and column and Katie's name printed over everyone else's name. I am pretty dysfunctional :roll: It would have been comical if anyone watched. Or pathetic ;) I feel like I exercised though, so I wonder if I should have some cake :P

I just sent out a mass e-mail to my family and friends, hopefully guilting them into buying books. I read it after it was sent and how can they not when I explained what better way to celebrate lung cancer awareness month and my mom's two year anniversary ;) Heehee

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Oh...I can't wait for this delivery to arrive! I love cookbooks and it will be so nice to have recipes from all my friends at LCSC! Thanks for all the hard work that everyone put into this project!

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