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It is probably heliobacter pylori (not sure about the spelling),but it is bacteria that causes some kinds of ulcers. You are lucky, in a way, that you have it. Once you get rid of the bacteria (with the two antibiotics) your stomach problems should get much better.

It is so common that most doctors will do a biopsy for it each time the do a scope of the upper digestive tract.


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H. Pylori is usually the culprit. For a very long time stomach and intestinal ulcers were thought to be caused by a bad diet and "stress", another great example of medical science being so wrong it should scare us all.

Fast forward a few decades and Some Smart Cookie has an Armadillo Moment and learns that MOST stomach and intestinal ulcers are actually caused by the bacterial infection, H. Pylori. And it's treatable with antibiotics. During this little foray into researching the REAL cause of stomach ulcers they also discover that H.Pylori infection also predisposes those who have it to stomach cancer. This should be getting someone's attention, because there are so many shared structures within the the digestive-respiratory systems, Folks.

Check out my post about H.Pylori and Lung Cancer under Lung Cancer in the News.

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I was just treated for this a few months ago. It was very hard to get rid of. I had to take two rounds of the antibiotics before it was gone. It was really unpleaseant to deal with.

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Thanks so much, Nina, Fay and Ann. I sure appreciate your help.

Yes, H. pylori is the right name. I went to the drug store to get my medicine (ALMOST FAINTED: COST FOR THE 10 DAY KIT, $290.03!!) Which I can't really afford but couldn't afford not to get it.

I will go to the article where it is talked about.

Thanks again. I'm very scared, but hoping for the best.


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My wife is in the hospital for Clostridium Difficille; known as c.diff. She went to the hospital on 10/13 for a blood transfusion and got it. What happens is everyone has this bacteria in their system. Acids keep it under control. when she got aa dose of primaxin (antibiotic) it wiped out the acids to control this. the c.diff ran rampant after that. gave her a BAD case of Diarrhea and put her in the hospital on Flaggyl and Vancomycin, as well as Sodium Chloride That started on the 16 october. As soon as swelling and fluid retention goes away, she can come home. THAANK GOD!! Its beena long 2 weeks. Luckily her hospital is 5 minutes from work. Good Luck and always praying!!

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Thank you, rsw1124.

I appreciate your post to my message. I greatly appreciate your explaining to me what this is all about (h. pylori). I had no idea it even existed! I sure hope I get rid of it. I have had severe diarrhea a couple times and then it has backed off to just loose bowels. I don't know where I got this from.


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