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High calcium levels and anemia?


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My moms doctor wanted to retest her blood work because her calcium levels were high and it showed her to be slightly anemic. Anyone have experience with either? I read on the net that it can be hypercalcemia can be caused by certain kinds of cancers and that it can mean it has spread to the bones. If anyone has any experience with this please let me know. Of course I did not tell her what I have read but I am so frightend :cry:


"But some cancers, including certain lung cancers, can also produce parathyroid hormone. A high calcium level can also result when the level of thyroid hormone is abnormally high."

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My moms doctor wanted to retest her blood work because her calcium levels were high and it showed her to be slightly anemic. Anyone have experience with either? I read on the net that it can be hypercalcemia can be caused by certain kinds of cancers and that it can mean it has spread to the bones. If anyone has any experience with this please let me know. Of course I did not tell her what I have read but I am so frightend :cry:



Heidi :

Check the Alkaline Phosphatase level ( ALP ) on the hematology report if you have a copy ( or ask the doc ). IMO, given a Stage 3 NSCLC dx, a combination of hypercalcemia AND elevated ALP would raise suspicions of bone mets. This assumes that liver function results are within normal limits.

Good luck.

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My mom had that a few years before her cancer. They could not figure out why. They were adjusting some of her meds and her calcium went back down. But she is still aneimic to this day. And her cancer has not spread to the bones as far as we know. So don't panic :) I know, easier said than done.

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I am dealing with the exact same levels myself. My alkaline phospate levels and bone scans are normal so it is not bone mets but I am told the lung s can cause high calcium levels without bone mets. The did a test to rule out parathyroid issues first. I am still unsure of what this all means as it is brand new for me as well. I am looking for answers as we speak.

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Wow, how timely. I had a borderline reading of 10.2 on serum calcium, elevated from Feb. (10.0). Alkaline phosphotase was elevated from Feb. but still within normal levels. Still scratching my head, as well. Everything I'm finding points to either parathyroid or bone mets. I guess you need a PTH level to rule out parathyroid. They didn't test that...only TSH, which was normal.

How elevated were the levels? I understand the levels remain relatively steady from one person to the next, so I am kinda curious as to what levels the "average bear" :wink: is circulating. I'm really curious in your case, Lisa, as my doc has started mentioning the likelihood of adeno/multifocal BAC, in my case, recently.

At any rate, hoping you will find the answers you seek. :idea: Keep us posted.

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