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Im a new person

Guest MissDi

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Hello, Im a 29 year non-small cell lung cancer survior. I was diag and had my surgery on 12/11/03, I had my whole left lung removed and I went thru chemo but the cancer went to my lymph nodes sand so they put me on Iressa and then they tried radiation. Im still on Iressa and it has kept me stable for the past year. This cancer thing sucks!!!

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Welcome Miss Di, so glad you found us. I suppose you have been wondering around the board and exploring what is available here. Please read David P.'s story under "My Story" He posted it a while ago. He was a teen when he had a lung removed. Hope you are doing well. Are you doing any exercises to increase your lung capacity? It is possible , especially where you are young. Keep us posted. Donna G

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Hi Miss Di,

Welcome here. As you can see from all the responses from you post, we are a very caring support group.

Please know tha LC is not a death sentence and there are so many people here who have beaten the odds and continue to do so.

If you have questions please ask. There are always people here who can provide answers.

We are here 24/7 for support.


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Hi Miss Di,

That is AWESOME that the Iressa has kept you stable.

As far as your comment about cancer sucking.....I can think of so many more words that I think I will keep to myself. :D

Glad you found us.....welcome to the group. Please keep us posted. It is refreshing to hear the words STABLE!



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Sorry you had reason to find us but glad you did. Welcome to our family. You are so young to have to face this beast. I hope that if you have any questions or want to vent or ask advice that you will feel free to share with us. We are here to help each other. Again, welcome.


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I too welcome you MissDi, but also am sorry that you have to be here. The good thing is that you said your cancer was stable. Hopefully your lymph nodes will be cleared, mine were and yours can be too.


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