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LC and Heart Attack


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Hi everyone, I saw this from another cancer community. What are your thoughts on the quoted text below? I will also ask Dr. Cunningham about this. I'm not sure if it's pretty much common knowledge to most of you but it's something new for me. It definitely gave me a scare, and so I'm terrified all over again.

Lung cancer is very hard on the heart. The heart has to pump blood to the lungs against increased resistance from the tumors. This causes the right part of the heart and then the left part of the heart to fail. It is very common for lung cancer patients to die of heart attacks. Next, some forms of cancer can result in lymphangitis carcinomatosis which is cancer cells and lymph in the lymph channels of the lungs. It is rapidly progressive (weeks/months) and is often missed on chest xray.
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You might ask the experts about this one. I know that Lucie takes a med now for irregular heartbeat -- it is not serious, and comes and goes, but it is a precaution to take the med. It occurred two months after her diagnosis, but she had a systemic staph infection which could have caused it. She has not had any problems since.

Wish you could quit worrying. Anyone with a heart can have heart trouble. Mine is genetic. Don

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That we know of, lots of health problems/issues appear to go hand and hand with lung cancer. :roll::wink: You might want to add COPD to this list as well. Not to mention other lung problems. Doesn't have to be just lung cancer.

Then there's the FLIP side with a person who has Heart Disease may also have lung problems.

What did your other cancer community think of it?

Well, knowledge is power, but I kind of have to chime in with Debi on this one! I'm guessing just the WORRY ALONE that WE go through being a LC Survivor adds MAJOR STRESS to our hearts! :wink:

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Well, maybe having this disease causes a HUGE amount of stress, which impacts on the heart, and the whole body in general. To say nothing about the chemicals we've endured in order to kill the tumors. I'm no doctor, but it seems to me that any major disease can have a negative impact on the heart (diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer). I can only worry about so much at once.


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The last onc visit I had, the onc. told me that he was telling his student about me and my little heart attack. I asked him why that was significant. He said because of my age. It is not common at all for a woman especially to have a heart attack at age 48.

I asked him if he thought it was from the chemo. He said, no, more like the radiation.


I have my own beliefs on it.

And they don't match up with his.

Cindi o'h

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My dad's heart problems didn't become evident until after chemo/radiation but who knows, might've happened anyway. His cardiologist did say that some of his cancer treatments could've caused his artery blockages to accelerate somewhat. I think the big thing is that you are aware now and as long as he is being followed and checked you are in the best defense!

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Thanks to Don, Debi, Rich. Connie, Joanie, Cindi, and tjcKelley for the responses! It sounds scary but knowledge is power, absolutely. So I have to agree that being on the watch for heart problems would be the best plan for now.

My guess is that the larger the tumor, the harder the heart needs to work.

By the way, my daddy takes Betaloc and Lipitor as maintenance drugs, he's been taking them even before his LC dx.

Have a blessed weekend, everyone!

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Guess you've already heard what you needed to hear. But I will say I've never had any heart problems (before or after.) Even at dx when I was hardly getting any oxygen into my bloodstream and was close to death, my heart was normal - not enlarged or anything. Now, if I could just blame enlarged tummy on LC, I'd relax a little. :lol:

(Anybody remember how often advertisers and Jack LaLaine used to mention "midriff bulge"? I don't think they call it that anymore, but I have it! :cry: )


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It sounds scary but knowledge is power, !

Thanks for the info. As stated in my sig below my journey with LC started with a Heart Attack. My cholesterol has always been good, great HDL levels and totals below 160. Yet I had 95% blockage in one artery. Perhaps pushing against a tumor that was 5 x 4.5 cm did put a strain on my heart and cause the attack.

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