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When it rains .....IT SNOWS!!!!!!!!!!


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Literally AND figuritively!!

Its supposed to snow 2" tomorrow....OUTSIDE. The afternoon I had some aphasia followed by intermittent mouth twiching.

U/S and brain MRI....and the verdict? New brain mets. They've loaded me up Dilantin-my blood levels were low-and increased decadron........but it's infused.

Cooper agrees this is just a setback. Game plan for the brain boogers tomorrow :wink:

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You are one tough chic. I read Bibala's post, wondering if what happened would last, what it was and then I went to see another post and think and here you are!

Apahlia or whatever it was was a very temporary setback and so are these brain mets.

I am so glad to hear from you! Hang in there..

Lots of love headed your way (and a bus too!)

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Oh ADDIE! I'm SOOOO glad to see snow!

Blow those brain boogers into the "Captive Kleenex" and get yourself all better! I miss you and it's SNOWING here, for real. Icy, too, the bus ain't comin' out for a while....hang in there, girlfriend!


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GREAT to 'see' you and 'hear' from you, Addie.

Am anxiously waiting to hear the plan for these new buggers. You have been keeping Coop very busy latley, huh? We are all pulling so hard for ya, girl! Remember, a visit would not be out of the picture....not THAT far, you know.

Let us know when you can how things are moving along.



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There is our girl. Boy, bibi's post kind of threw me. So glad to see your name up on the board as a poster. Keeping you in my prayers and getting the snow tires out of the closet for the bus. If we have to drive in this weather we will.

Girls, get the chickens out and ready to go. Hmmm, I wonder if turkey feathers would work the same way?


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Signed on this a.m. to see if there was an update on you, dear Addie. You made my Tday that's for sure. Glad to see that the aphasia was temporary and that the source has been found. You sure do keep 'Coop' running to the books, but we have always known you are special.

Let's get them zapped or bonked or whatever and get you working toward home.


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I've been away for a day and am catching up on my readin all at once. First Bibala's post...I freak! :shock: Then your first post - ...I can breath again :D Then your second update... I want those brain boogers gone!!! :x I am now emotionally exhausted and MUST go eat another piece of left-over pumpkin pie. I mean, I just MUST, you know? :roll:

Sending lots and lots of caring thoughts and strength your way. Here's to lots of words!


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