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mini seizures

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Jake is now having possible mini seizures. Dr. is suggesting that he go on Dilantin if he has any more. Well he continues to have them but is afraid that if seizures are diagnosed that they will take away his license to drive. The seizures consist of tingling/throbbing in his fingers in his left hand and some numbness in his face. Absolutly no loss of any consciousness. Do any of you wise people have any info on this?

We went to the cemetary to buy lots yesterday. What a horrible day!!!!


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I don't believe it is the rx alone that triggers a lose of license. In PA, it is the doctor is obligated to report seizures. So, it the dr. still thinks it is safe for your husband to drive, he may not report it, but ........

I am so sorry that this da** disease causing these symptoms.

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I just wanted to let you know that my hubby also has these mini seizures,his consist of what they call Focal Point seizure,that is to say he has various facial "tics"!! He is on dilantin and they have told him the same not to drive and they told him if need be the would suspend his license due to his medical circumstances!! We live in Indiana.

I would rather be safe than sorry.

I also wanted to ask anyone on this board if they have used or know someone who has use the drug Temodar for brain mets?

If so please feel free to e-mail me as I am researching this drug for my hubby's brain mets.

God Bless


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Karen...I used Temodar during WBR and was forced to go off the treatment when my blood O2 level dropped into the 70s. I was told Temodar was a relatively new drug being used in lung cancer. It's expensive and some insurances won't cover it.

As for seizures and our driving privileges...In my state you lose your license after just one seizure...so I've been on Dilantin since my brain surgery. No seizures in my case. So far I'm driving during the day with little problems.

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My Husband was told by both his Dr.s not to drive once this brain mets were found, even though he has had no siezures. He has not actually had his lic. taken away, his Dr.s have just advised against driving.

I am going tomorrow night to finalize Alan's arrangements (he wants to be cremated), my sister is coming with me as I do not know if I can handle it on my own and Alan does not want to go (I do not want him there either). needless to say it will probably be one of the worst nights of my life.


Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005

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Thanks go out to all of you for your prayers! Jake spoke to our onc. yesterday and was prescribed a steroid. The only problem is that he is diabetic and steroids wreak havoc with his sugar counts. Of course Jake did not remind the Dr. that he is diabetic. (Jake is not real good with medical things.) Waiting for a call from the Dr. to make sure that this is the best med for my husband. Dr. made no mention about Jake driving that I know of. Please continue to pray for us. We need peace. The anger must leave this home!


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Cheryl - although my dad did not have seizures, he was told not to drive during the period he had WBR. They repeated his neurological tests before giving the go ahead. It was a VERY tough situation at home because of this. Additionally, he later had stereotactic radiosurgery and was told not to drive for 2 weeks as well. He is driving now and seems ok.

BUT like I said it was tough and what I did was at one point tell him to write a letter to the family that he might kill so I have something to give them in case there was a problem.

Regarding diabetes and steroids, my dad is also a diabetic (insulin dependent) and yes the steroids wreck havoc. The endocronologist gave him a different formula to try to follow with regard to the units to take during the steroid period.

Good luck


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