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J.C. was hiding out in the hospital

cindi o'h

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Got an e-mail from Jackie....

She is home now and recuperating.

I should warn you all that she is on

Prednisone. So, if you see a lot of words,

this is why!

She went and broke two of her ribs in a

tumble that never should have happened

at the place where she does volunteer work.

It was carelessness on the management's part.

Jackie has been helping all of us

And now, I would like to ask all of us to say

some good prayers for swift healing of Jackie's


Thank you so much.

Cindi o'h

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Lord, girl,

you poor thing!! Broken ribs are so very painful and we are so sorry this happened to you.

We have you in faithful prayer. We are sending a really really really gentle hug..........maybe around your neck........or wherever you have no pain!

Hoping for quick healing.


Pat and Bri

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Just saw this,

Thank you everybody for the good wishes

and the prayers.

One good thing came out of the bone scan

broken ribs instead of mets,

so with prednisone 50mg a day plus

oxycontin 60mg a day, I don't suffer too much

except when I am laughing and Mr Ry you are

right laughter brings on the pain.

Should have know I didn't renew my flying permit.

On the mend again.


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