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Hi- my mother is 56 and was diagnosed with inoperable NSCLC in Aug 2005. She had one round of chemo and 5 weeks of radation with VERY bad side effects. We have recently found out that new nodules were found in her lungs and has mestacized(sp) in her hip. She is starting the first of 15 radiation treatments tomorrow and her dr is suggesting she start taking Tarceva. So I am lookin for advice/feedback on Tarceva,other treatment suggestions, helping with side effects, etc. We are very scared and are looking to educate ourselves as much as possible to fight this horrible disease.

thanks very much,



Hi Jon--

I believe we met in the chat. I am glad you posted. Tarceva is a good choice for your mom. It has kept my husband stable a long time. I hope it works for your mom. She still has many options-- don't panic. Welcome to the site.




I am Ry's husband. The side effects are not to bad for most. Diarrhea, rash, and dry skin are basically it. These side effects vary quite a bit. Sometimes they are not bearable. When it does work though it works very well. I wish I could tell you want the results would be for your mother, but all the chemos including this drug treat everyone differently.

There are lots of good people here who have varied responses.

Best of luck John.


Hi Jon.

Welcome. We will try to help you with any questions that come up for you. And there will be a master at some level that can help you and your mom fight this beast. We have alot of joint experiences.

I didn't have bone mets, but some of our members have and it seems to me as if radiation to the mets really help alot! So take heart! Also, like John and Rochelle said, Tarceva is a drug that works well for many people. If it turns out that one doesn't cut it, then there will be another that probably will.

Everything is going to be okay. The docs treat lung cancer now as a chronic illness. Whatever pops up, there seems to be something in the black bag to beat it back.

Cindi o'h



Welcome to the family. We are glad you found us. I think you will find that there is usually someone here that can give personal exerience to most every situation. We will be glad to help in any way we can. In the meantime, take time to explore the site . You will find a wealth of information , hope and support is to be found here. My best to you and your mom.



Jon, welcome. I am sorry you needed us, though. the early days of diagnosis and treatment of a loved one with LC are very scary. my mother has survived two surgeries, including one for a recurrance which came 4 years after her first surgery.

she's never had traditional chemo or radiation, but she is on Tarceva and doing well. dry skin, a pimple here and there (the rash people mention, though she has a very mild case of it) and that's it. she has no tumors to 'watch' so we are all just assuming it's doing its job, keeping any teeny cancer cells from growing.

keep us posted, you'll get so much love, support and information here.




I am sorry to hear about your mother but wanted to say welcome to our little family. You will find loads of info here. Whatever you are feeling at the time, someone here has traveled in your shoes. Stay with us and keep us informed of your progress while we travel this road together. We will cry with you or laugh with you. Just let us know what your needs are. The best advice I can offer you is to take it one day at a time and don't read between the lines. No need to borrow trouble. Like John said, all patients react different. Again, Welcome. :)


Welcome. Sorry about your mom. It's so hard to know what to do to make this easier for a loved one, but you're taking some good steps. Hang in there.

I am a big fan of Tarceva - I've had 11 excellent months since diagnosis with Stage IV thanks to Iressa and Tarceva. Am having a few problems now that the Tarceva seems to be losing it's edge for me. But I would recommend it to anyone. Hope your mom has success.



I just wanted to thank everyone for there kind words and to let you know I have finally posted my Mom's profile. I hope her Oncologist appt tomorrow goes well.




Hi Jon,

Spoke to you last night on the Chat and so glad you posted. See I told you, you would get a lot of support here and also answers to your questions.

From reading your moms profile, she certainly has had her share of bad luck. :shock: I am glad that is all behind her now and she could concentrate on fighting this beast.

I know how scary this is for you as she is you mom, and moms are so special, we never really think of being without them. To us they are immortal. But of course they are not.

Just know that no matter how bleek things may look, she will get better. You have to believe that and more importantly so must she.

Keep a positive attitude when you are around her and just always be there for her. Tell her how much you love her and how much you need her. She needs as much support as she can get.

I am sorry you had to come here, but were are always here for you 24/7. Feel free to post anytime.

I pray the Tarveca works for her.



Hi Jon; welcome to this site. Ihope your mother finds a trreatment plan that brings good rsutls. It looks like she will be doing tarceva. That has helped many others.

Don M

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