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Heart arrythmia


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Friday dad had a heart arrythmia. They placed him on the monitor. This follows Tues. when he had SOB all night and then had a chest xray that showed no changes but some fluid. i am worried but am glad at least they let him stay home. I have come to dread any hospital stays. He hates them so much and it is so hard to keep his spirits up.

Thanks so much for the love expressed here towards my family. I have come to rely on coming here to express my joys, hopes and fears. Hugs to all!


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Thanks for al the good wishes. He had another episode this morning. Mom says he took a pill but then he puked. The thing is he usually only pukes once then it is over for the day.

We'll see how it goes.

Bad days are often followed by GOod days. We just have to hope.


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