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Finaly I made it to the good news form


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Thank you my brothers and sisters, for all the prayers,

Just to let you all know the latest on me.

Friday was THE BIG NERVIOUS DAY!!!!! Went for my 7th of 14 radiation treatments of the brain. And also had appointment with radiologist. He such a great, up beat guy. :D He checked me out and asked how I was going with the treatments. I told him it was boring. He said, “That’s excellent news” :D And that it means I’m doing great. He also explained that we would have a two week follow up after its done and than two weeks after that to see the results (which he feels very confidant its going to be taken care of). Than my wife and I went and got something to eat before we went for the REAL BIG NEWS!!!!

This was the visit to see the oncologist. This is the visit to see if the chemo was doing anything to the Adrenal glands this doc is another great doc but a little more calmer and subdued than the radiologist. MY heart was pounding out of my chest the whole time I was waiting. He came in and said do you have your CT scans? I said yea, why? Didn’t you get the report of the CT scan? He said no not yet but I don’t trust their reports anyway. So we sat there heart pounding a mile a minute until he came back in. Smiled and said, the nodules on your adrenal glands are getting smaller. And there is no other spread any were else. Lung looks great all other organs look great. I asked how much smaller and he said about 25%.

I said wow only after 2 cycles. I said, is that good he said YES? I can start Chemo again Sept 5 and do two more cycles and than get CT scan again. And than two more cycles and than PET scan. It feels so good to finally feel like I’m getting a grip on this Cancer CR@P and to have the plan laid out. The biggest words that meant anything to me “THE CHEMO IS WORKING!!!!!” it could have shrunk 2% I would have been happy.

Still got a hell of a fight on my hands but I feel like I’m getting a grip on thing now.

Sorry the post is so long but I have been waiting months to post some REAL good news from me.


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WOW Ray !!!, thats FABULOUS :D:D:D

Man, you certainly deserved a break and got it in a big way!! May you continue to get many more reports like that. :) OK, now time to celebrate!!

God bless and stay well

Bobmc- NSCLC- stage IIB left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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Your news was absolutley OVER THE TOP!! You keep on kicking the daylights out of this LC stuff! You are hanging in there and fighting the good fight. What an example you are for the rest of us! Take care, and prayers for continued improvement.

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