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Blood Count Good- Last Chemo was Today


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Hi Folks,

I am finally through with treatment for a while. My surgeon will attempt the surgery again in about 5 weeks. The tumor had shrunk to almost half it's size after first round of chemo...So. hopefully the chemo has done it's job this time as well! I know it made me feel pretty much like "poop" the last couple of days, and all I did was sleep. I have no appetite from nausea, plus the radiation has caused major pain in swallowing. I have lost 10 pounds this last 2 weeks, but Jack fattened me up 10Lbs. going in! So, actually. if I can maintain I will be doing good! I have chemo fog and can barely maintain thought, but listen to me complain!. This was suppossed to be "good news" not a laundry list of Cheryl's physical complaints! Ha! God Bless!


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Dear Cheryl,

This is great news. Now you really do have to rest up so that you will be in fighting shape for the surgery. You're making excellent progress here. Take care and eat well, rest, relax, & exercise sensibly dear friend. There's much work ahead.


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I am so sorry that you feel bad but glad to hear that you are done with the chemo and scheduled for the surgery. Hope you feel 100% better in the days ahead!!


46 years old

Surgery June 16, 2003

Stage 1A-upper & mid lung removed

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