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Question for Caregivers?


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Although I have always believed in God, I guess I often forgot that He was in complete control of our lives. I used to think that bad things only happened to "other" people and that my little family would always be safe and together. After seeing Dennis suffer with this terrible disease and lose his battle, I have been reminded that God is the driver and I'm just along for the ride.

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What is the biggest change from within that has resulted from you being a caregiver for a loved one with lung cancer?

Life changes in a nanosecond and there is nothing we can do but accept it and move on. We aren't in control of our destinies now and we never were.

All those times we said,"I know how you feel", we really didn't. Now we do. It is what it is.


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It is an incredible journey no one should have to go on, too many trial an tribulaltions. There is light at the end of the tunnel, when we thought we would never see it.

Support from so many people was very overwhelming.

I listen to my husband more and hold hands, snuggle and I am just so thankful everyday we share together.


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to many changes here's some; I'm not a cryer and I could fill an ocean, obsession about trying to find information on this disease, patience, the sense of feeling out of control, my head I always have a headache, but the biggest change is that I always thought that I could talk to my mother about anything and I can't seem to talk to her about this. We all know that it's there but we don't say anything. It kills me!

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A broken heart

Frustration that I have no control of what happens

Emotionally drained

Never knew I could worry so much

I relate this question to the loss of my dad to colon cancer and now my mom is dealing with lung cancer...This time (isn't saying THAT a bi*ch) I have learned to *let go* a little better.


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I now know you can physically FEEL this horribly deep, black, empty hole within your whole being, yet can smile back at the world and even appear normal to those that haven't been there.

On a more positive note, things that used to irritate, have simply become little gnats of annoyance - unkind people, nasty drivers, dog vomit on the carpet, etc.........

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I want to echo all of Lynne's. You are such a wise woman!

For me...

There are worse things in the world than deployments (which I anticipated to be my 'big hardship' for a while--now it's akin to one of those gnats... ok... maybe a cockroach. ;))

Sometimes getting up and putting one foot in front of the other, which has been my basic life strategy, is so much harder than it sounds... but somehow you do anyway.

You can always find a way to put family first...

People will never understand the way that I want them too... and I just have to deal with it.

Little things like--foot rubs with lotion, or a bed bath, or clipping someone's toenails... those are ways to say, "I love you." And when you aren't able to do those things anymore... it aches.

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Material Gifts and things at holidays are so irrelevant compared to living for the day and Loving the ones you are with! People should take the time to think about their families and less about what to buy for somebody to show their love. Love foor today and Live for tomorrow I think is what I am trying to say here.

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I am not even close to the same person I was before Mom got sick. I was definetly still the "child" and now without even realizing it we have changed places. I have grown,become much more responsible,dependable and most of all I seem to have a purpose in life. I dont always like this purpose but it is a challenge to me to be the BEST caregiver in the world for my Mom. I am tired and exhausted and its been 19 months since there has been a day that i did not have to leave my house for some reason, there was a time i did not leave my house for 2 years.I dont even think about that anymore. Also I feel I have become a better mother to my own kids, or maybe its that my mom has stepped back due to her illness and let me be a mom to my kids.

I could go for days with things that have changed in my life, and other than the actual lung cancer none of it is bad. I want to be no where else at this time and I am doing exactly what i want to be doing.


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Material Gifts and things at holidays are so irrelevant compared to living for the day and Loving the ones you are with! People should take the time to think about their families and less about what to buy for somebody to show their love. Love foor today and Live for tomorrow I think is what I am trying to say here.

You said what I feel also but can't achieve.This xmas I didn't want to go overboard but Gary did. I had to go along. We need the family around us at this time but to do this we have to pay for their airfare or we would not see our daughter and family. It is so hard to balance money,family but it is so easy to love each other like you said today and live for tomorrow. I think so much about money now and it seems like we are spending more but to say no we can't do this at this time would make my husband feel like there is no hope.So many feelings I have about it seems everything and no one to talk to except this wonderful board.


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I don't think I will ever have peace of mind again now that I know all I know.

Like Bunny, I feel I have aged. Not many other people in their early 30s think to have chest xrays, mamograms, etc.

I no longer get upset about the small stuff, such as my boss screaming at is, it just doesn't matter.

My goals in life have changed. I now know what is important.

Basically I feel robbed and I don't like it :)

How's that for whining? :)

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Also, my choice of jewelry has changed.

I MUST wear every day the Andrea B lung cancer bracelet; and another bracelet I have that says hope. It is like I have to wear something to support lung cancer on me all the time.

I also enjoy wearing the LCSC t-shirt on weekends (despite how much my mom hates it on me), and I just ordred the LCSC sweatshirt.

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