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Hearing Loss


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Would ya'll happen to know if this is a side effect or should I be looking for dad to have a brain MRI?

Dad has had a noticable decline in his ability to hear. I first became concerned when I noticed he wasn't talking much or participating in our conversations...esp about his favorite topics....000 and dirty jokes, sports. I have been worried for a while bout this. Any comments on the subject are welcome.

Much love, EPpie

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Hearing loss can be a side effect of some (only one?) chemo drugs. I don't know which one caused my loss. My hearing is better now than when I finished chemo, but not good enough. When I get around to it, I'll do something. Sounds like your dad's situation is worse than mine.

My worst problem is in loud restaurants. I can't understand what the waitress is saying.


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Yes it id frequent with Carbo,

to make it easy for him to participate in a

conversation, just talk in a normal tone of voice



Do not rush with an answer to him, but say first

DAD, so you get his attention,

ARTICULATE your words without showing you are


The hearing loss make a person moody and often

short of temper.

Once you get him talking, show a lot of interest in

what he is saying and FACE HIM when he talks.

It should come back after the treatments, but still

some people will always have trouble following




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Hi Eppie,

Alan lost hearing in his left ear, but his was due to WBR. I make sure to let him know I am talking to him and I do speak more slowly. It frustrates him at times, but we work around it. Alan's will not get any better without surgery and that is not an option. I hope your Dad's will improve over time.

Prayers for your family.

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Hi Eppie,

Alan lost hearing in his left ear, but his was due to WBR. I make sure to let him know I am talking to him and I do speak more slowly. It frustrates him at times, but we work around it. Alan's will not get any better without surgery and that is not an option. I hope your Dad's will improve over time.

Prayers for your family.

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Thanks everyone for the kind responses. Dad has had Carbo and Taxol and wbr. I will pass the advice I received from you kind folks along to my parents. I wanted to post something about it cuz my imagination was making me crazy last night...thinking and borrowing troubles.

Much love to everyone,


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