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Prayers Please for Connie B updated 8/23 new ribblon

Donna G

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Just heard from Connie. The TEE went well . The Cardiologist wanted her to check in and have an angiogram then heart surgery to remove the myxoma from her heart muscle. He called her pulmonologist but he wanted it coordinated to have the nodule in her right ( remaining) lung removed at the same time. Connie is at home waiting a phone call to find out what next. Her heart is literally in pain and some difficulty breathing, she intends to let the Dr.s know. Thrown into all this she was told be the cardiologist that he wanted surgery fast for he feared she may have a stroke ( throw a clot off that irregular wall of the heart I imagine ) . Please pray for wisdom , peace, and fast recovery. Connie has always been such a good friend. Donna


Connie sees cardiologist for physical Tues 8/19 and went to group!!

Connie will have the angiogram on Wed 8/20

Connie went to surgery 8/21, they were not able to remove either tumor today. She is on a vent and hopefully it will be removed tomorrow. She was alert after surgery. See next ribbon Friday Connie off Vent

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:D Connie,

I'm so sorry for the return of the Monster, but so greatful they can do

something. You are in my prayers. You are strong and have everyone

routing for you. Now put some of that toe tapping music on and make

yourself smile.

God Bless you,


____________________________________________________________AAg 61 dx 12/01 NSCLC Adenocarcinoma Stage 11B, 1/02 removed right

lung, no follow up. 4/02 spread to lymph nodes,began chemo 6 treatments Taxol/Carboplatin 5/15/02 ending 8/28/02. July,03 2 brain

mets, 1 surgically remov ed, the other gamma knife. Whole head

radiation to follow

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Connie is going through more tests and her cardiologist Doctor visit today in preparation for her surgery on Thursday. I pray all goes well and that Connie feels peace and rest to get ready for the "battle" ahead.


Just called United to get Connie's room number and I also got Connie Berchem. They had just put her to bed , she passed the angiogram with "flying colors" She wanted you to know. She also should have a good view she is on the 8th floor. This afternoon she will also have a Carotid ultrasound just to be checking all out before her surgery tomorrow.

The address of United Hospital is 333 N Smith Ave, St Paul, Mn 55102

I also thought of starting a new "ribbon" that we could send our best wishes to her on. I could print it off tomorrow and bring it to her at the hospital , when she woke up she would have it . I think I will try under general. See you there. Donna

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thank you, Donna, for the update on Connie. I have been thinking of her non-stop since I heard her latest news. I am praying for her. I have a good feeling that she is going to weather this storm quite well. She is something!!

Love, Ada

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Hi Donna,

Thank you for Connie's update. My prayers are with her. She's the

senior member of our family. I was telling my radiologist about her and

her lenghtly remission. He said that was really a long time. I knowshe

can do it again. I told Connie my dad had resided in Wisconsin, don't

even ask me why I thought Minnesota and Milwaukee were in the same state. We both like polkas. Connie is probably gettin anxious, but she

has so many people routing her on. Please keep us posted. It seems

to me you are doing quite well. We are always happpy to hear that.

God Bless,


_______________________________________________________________age 61 dx NSCLC Stage 11B, 12/01, Had right lung out 1/02 no follow

up. Spread to lymph nodes 4/02 -Restage 1V Adenocarcinoma, NSCLC

had 6 chemo treatments Taxol/Carbolplatin, beginning 5

/15/02 ending 8/28/02, July, 03 2 brain mets, 1 surgically removed,

the other by gamma knife to be followed up by 16 whole head radiations.

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Well last night our monthly evening lung cancer support group met ( we meet one afternoon a month also.) We got started at 6 pm and about quarter after who comes in the door? Connie with her husband, Maurie drove her ( you know him , he is the quiet guy in the picture!) Would you believe she said and I quote " this scares me because it scares all of you"

She is worried about us! She also had had a new CT Pet Scan and brought info and told us it was the latest and greatest and wanted us to take advantage. Only 3 in Minnesota , Maplewood, Regions Hosp and at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. We all checked in ( told how we were , what is going on, etc ) and Connie also. I told Connie I had to give her 544 hugs one from each on the lung cancer survivor board,( hope you don't mind) Believe me lots of (((((((((((((Connie)))))))))))))))))was going on. Today as I told you she has her Coronary Angiogram , reguesting lots of prayer that the Dr. get all the info they need so surgery tomorrow goes smoothly. More info on Pet at http://www.stpaulradiology.com OK everyone "Let us pray" thanks Donna

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I pray for Connie and all the 500+ everyday. Sure hope the operation goes great for her today....will have her on my mind until you post again....thanks....also thanks for the web sight.....

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Connie, I pray that you get through this with flying colors. you are on my mind everyday. Your strenght is beyond any I could every muster up.

i posted earlier but forgot to log in. all day long i probably off and on came on as a guest..my mind is going fast.....

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Special prayers have been said and I pray every day for Connie. She is a fighter and such an inspiration.

Thank you Donna for keeping us posted about Connie. You are such a good friend and support to all of us.

God Bless us all and praying for a "Cure"



Dx 3-03 - 3A - Radiation - Taxol/Carbo

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