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Fifty Ways To Lose Your Blubber

You just skip all the snacks - Jack

Make a menu plan - Stan

Don't drink beer with the boys - Roy

And listen to these...

Walk, (don't take the bus) - Gus

You don't need to fuss much

Just ask an R.D. - Lee

And set some goals, please!

Lose one to two pounds a week - Zeke

Eat a little - Jess

Eat three meals a day - Ray

And remember that...

You gotta think lean - Dean

And don't eat in between - Jean

Eat your food slow - Joe

If you want to fight fat!

Take a ride on your bike - Mike

Swim a couple laps - Chaps

Jog a mile or two -Stu

Get some exercise!

You can walk up the stairs - Pierre

But remember to take care

When you're lifting weights - Mates

Be a little wise.

You gotta cut out the cake -Jake

Pull your sweet tooth - Ruth

Skip the Easter fudge -Judd

And you'll get the knack.

Throw away the candy - Randy

But keep raw vegetables handy

Or get some fresh fruit

For when you want a snack!

Don't shop when your starved - Marv

And don't eat alone - Joan

Eat portions that are small - Paul

There's really no trick.

Immediately clear the table - Mabel

And soon you will be able

To say 'Thats' Enough!' - McGruff

And make your diet stick!

You should decrease the carb - Barb

Don't use jam - Sam

And avoid eating sweets - Pete

If you want to be thin.

Just watch what you crave - Dave

Because the calories that you save

Could make the differences

Whether you fail or win!

Choice the meats that are lean - Irene

And trim off the fat - Pat

Broil (don't fry) - Guy

And watch whast you add.

Eat foods that are plain - Jane

And please try to refrain

From gravy and sauce -Ross

Those calories are bad.

Exercise with a friend -Ben

Cross country ski - Marie

And walk when you can - Dan

Encourage your pals!

Do it three time a week or more -Gore

So that you'll be sure

You're doing your share - Mare

To burn up those cals.

Forget candy bars - Lars

Skip the dessert - Bert

Put away the pie - Vi

And watch when you shop

Don't you dare cheat - Pete

By buying a sweet treat

Or you'll tip the scale - Dale

And your diet will flop!!!

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