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My name is Jan and I was just diagnosed with extensive small cell lung cancer with mets to my liver (approximately 30% involvement). I started Chemotherapy last week, I'm told this is the only available treatment for me but I'm currently seeking a second opinion.

I was basically diagnosed by accident when a Cat Scan was of my chest and upper GI was done for what my doctor thought was recurrent indigestion. My primay care physician was as shocked as I by what it revealed - he told me to go home and pray.

The doctors have given me a very poor prognosis so

I'm amazed at how very well I feel, is this common? Except for a bit of tireness, I nap an hour or so each day, I feel quite well and go about my day pretty much as I always have. My liver is quite swollen so I look and feel about 6 months pregnant. I've also been startled by my high CEA readings, I don't really understand the implications of the CEA test, if anyone can enlighten me I surely would appreciate it.

I've chosen to stop working to spend time with my family and focus on my health. I'm delighted to find this support site and have been encouraged by the brave people who fight this disease.

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First of all Jan, welcome here. I know how scared you are when you hear a diagnosis like that. But please know that LC it is not necessarly a death sentence. You just have to find the right doctors and the right treatment to help you battle this disease.

So many people were told to go home and clean house, but with the right treatment they are doing fine and have beaten the odds.

NEVER GIVE UP.. you must fight this!!

There are many cancer centers that may be able to help you, you have to seek them out in your area.

Never let anyone tell you they can't do anything to help you. You can read so many stories on here (Read Kasey's under MY STORY) what an inspiration that was, as she seeked out a doctor who helped her after so many said it was hopeless.

I would run not walk to get a 2nd or third opinion, there is help for you, but you have to seek it out.

Keep us posted...


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Jan.welcome to our support family.You will find many knowing and caring people here.Just about anything that comes up someone here has been there and done it and will be able to help.

There are many of us here that were told only a few months to live,and we are still here (fighting mabe) but still here none the less years later.

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Hi Jan,

I so totally understand everything you're going through right now. I was diagnosed in May, 2005 with a pretty grim prognosis, but I continue to feel well and just take one day at a time. Like Maryann said, this is not necessarily a death sentence.

People here are great and we're here to help you.

I'm totally convinced a cure is coming and I plan on being around when it does. :D


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I'm another that was told to go home and die. My cancer was inoperable, terminal etc. (I was diagnosed with NSCLC rather than SCLC) but I finally found a surgeon that was able to take it out. I've been hanging in there ever since.

What I'm trying to say is think about a 2nd or 3rd opinion and FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! Don't believe everything they tell you.

You will find a wealth of information here. These folks have been a life line for me so many times. I'm sorry you need us but happy you have found us.

keep us posted..


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Try to think of this as a chronic disease, remember when diabetes or heart problems were terminal conditions?

My advice would be to get a second opinion and have your new "chronic condition" treated.

Doctors only give guestimates on survival and they aren't always accurate. Most people on this site wouldn't be here posting if they were.

You feel good that's the main thing, keep that smile - attitude goes a long way.

Good luck


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Welcome and glad you found us. SCLC is very susceptable to chemo . Also many have radiation to the brain as a preventative measure because it tends to spred there. Those friends of Connie's are also friends of mine , they had radiation and like Connie says they are NED ( no evidence of disease) and enjoying life. Keep us posted. Donna G

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A BIG welcome to you, Jan. I am impressed by you right off the bat....you got a pic posted ALREADY!!!!!!! That is a WOW for me :lol: !

Sorry you got the dx you did, BUT......take some deep breaths, get yourself braced for a WILD ride, and join all of us on it! Many will have offers of their expertise regarding your dx and tx. Stay with us for loads of support.


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HI Jan,

Welcome !!! I too live in the Inland Empire, Corona. This disease is beatable. NEVER ~ NEVER give up. As the others have said, SCLC is very responsive to chemo.

I have had chemo, readiation and two brain surgeries, (one just last Monday at Riverside Community Hospital.) Just keep a POSITIVE attitude and fight the good fight. If you want to talk, just PM me and we can share info. and support...

Prayers and hugs,

Karen :)

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Hi Jan,

Your attitude is right on! My mom has the same positive outlook, and just as important, so do her 5 daughters (me included)! At first, it seems like, hey, okay, with such a grim diagnosis, just give in and give up hope! Then a reversal of emotions occur (for the lucky ones, who allow this), that enables people to want to fight and live! Noone, EXCEPT God (or whatever higher power one believes in) knows when a person is going to die. I've learned to never let a Dr., no matter how fancy and extensive his/her credentials are, tell anyone, that they are going to die, by such and such a time....Go with the flow, don't overthink the negative aspects, prepare for different possibilities, but never, ever give up hope....you are alive. There is hope! Big Hugs, Jodi :D

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I am sorry you need us, but glad you found us. You have a fight on your hands, but with the wonderful smile and fighting attitude you're winning already. My husband has had a big battle himself, but is doing remarkable well, in fact he just enjoyed the birth of his 5th grandchild this past thursday. Please keep us up to date an all that is going on with you and your treatments.

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