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my bloodcount white is0.7,had it checked monday and today,same no change.told to stay away from sick people and if fever reaches100.4 go to hospital.will check it again monday.shouldnt it be back up by now?

how serious is this?

nervous again


I have had a problem with my white count for 3 weeks last cycle and 3 weeks this cycle.

Nulasta can only be given 24 hours after chemo and 14 days before chemo. So they tried nuepogen with me - 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours after chemo trying to get the counts up enough for another chemo session. It worked once and didn't the second time. This can be given with 4 days of the next chemo.

I stay away from anyone who is ill and also stay out of places that might have a lot of germs - airport, grocery stores. Even at church I sit by myself and won't shake anyone's hand when a greeting is suggested. I haven't been sick yet - but I did have to miss seeing two neices at Christmas. (They stayed home). I also have a rule that everyone who enters my hours washes their hands first thing. No one minds.

I have a ct tomorrow and then see the DR Thurs to see what he suggest now.

Good luck



Deb had Neulasta with out any teatment. PLEASE INVESTIGATE WHY NO SHOTS. If you get sick while this low it could be bad. You have no immunity right now. Best of Luck with this. ASK WHY!!!

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