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Last night I woke up dreaming about a liver transplant for Ken. It took me a long time to get back to sleep thinking about it. As soon as I got into work I started doing research and though about calling his Onc. for a recommendation. Fortunately, I was able to bring myself to a halt, but it was so hard.

I know it is impossible for a number of reasons (shortage of donors, type blood B-, not primary liver cancer). It is just really hard because I know if he could just start with a new liver we could have a fighting chance again. His lungs have remained stable for 8 months, no brain or bone mets. If there was an unlimited supply of donor livers I would try to pursue it. It is just so damn hard to give up.

He got 2 units of blood at hospice yesterday, I hope this will give him a boost in the energy department. I had to take him to the center which is in the hospital where this all started 16 months ago. When I went back to pick him up this song was playing on the radio "Remember When" and I just started crying uncotrollably. Had to sit in the parking lot till I got under control and all the tears dried up. I haven't done that very much and I know it means I am getting really scared. On the surface I know I look like I am doing just fine, but I know I am not. I have to keep it all together though, just too much to take care of right now. I will have all the time in the world to fall apart later.

Karen H

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I'm so sorry for you. I do know how hard this is to accept and I fully understand your inability to "shut your brain down" at night. That is when I came up with my best treatment plans and ideas for Bill. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.


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Karen, I know what you are going through. that happened with Deb and I. I tried so hard to hide the fear and the sorrow because We both knew we were running out of options. I found a book from her Religion called conquering your fears after she passed away. We would not understand it the way she would but she had her beliefs in this religion called Eckankar. Little bit broader than mainstream Christianity. It is normal to be scared and you would not be human if you weren't. I know Ken Has got to be terrified of these thoughts; Of what is happening. Be strong for each other but try not to hide your fears. Let your emotions out when you are scared. It is probably the healthiest hting that you can do right now. I used to go outside when I got emotional so I could have my private time with God under the stars and we could talk. Believe it or not it did help. We came to terms before she passed about what to expect and I think that became a strenght. We never gave up the fight though. She had a better offer for a new fight, and took it. I hope this helps you find some peace that we do understand the pain and hope that ths post may help in some way. I will say extra prayer for you and Ken and the rest of your Family. Always say i love you whenever you can and cherish each moment that you have together.

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I have been praying for you and Ken. I know exactly what you are going through. My tears fall down my checks anywhere anytime. I am very melancholy inside me, but I have to put a big o smile in front of my husband. Our favorite words, together, we are going to kick this cancerous beast in his chest and we laugh it out.

God Bless you Karen and Ken. Keep the faith.



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I'm so sorry. I try to come up with all kind of solutions myself to the point where my step dad says I need to stop reading about treatments and implies I am some know it all..

I think is just shows I am not ready to give up or give in.

I am praying for your husbands health and for some peace in your heart.


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Karen, I wish I had something useful to say. I do admire that part of your heart that keeps looking for a solution. from what I have heard, no one really keeps it together - we just find those moments when we can let go, then put our game face back on when our family need us.

hang in there. let us know what we can do.



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Boy do I understand what you are thinking. I can't count the number of times I've thought about a liver transplant for my husband. I've even asked his onc about it, just to be told they would never consider it. A transplant is risky for someone who is otherwise healthy and strong and way too risky to ever consider for someone who wasn't. Plus, they wouldn't consider it a cure, so they wouldn't give a valuable liver to someone who wouldn't be cured by it. I felt like an ignorant child, but I refuse to feel bad about asking for any solution, for holding onto any line of hope. I ask about everything I hear about, most of which I'm told are not an option. But I hope that one of these days I will find the option that is answered with "We can try that". Nothing ventured nothing gained.

I know the pain and fear you are feeling. Unfortunately.

I wish I could take this away, that none of us would ever have to face this fear. I will be praying hard for you and Ken. Know that you are in my heart, and I am thinking of you both.

Love Always!

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I'm so sorry for the pain you feel, and I understand it. After my mom was diagnosed with brain mets

(huge ones, at that) we knew that with her type of cancer it was only a matter of time. It's ok to grieve. It's ok to be sad. It's normal to have dreams of "impossible". Tackle treatment and possible treatment however Ken wishes. And take note of whatever strikes you as worthy of remembering.

Cancer is a weird dance of hope for a cure and memories that will sustain if a cure is not to be.

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Hi Karen,

Glad you posted as I have been thinking about Ken and wondering how he is doing.

Saying prayers for a miracle. Hang in there, you are so strong, but please let it out when you can. That will help you cope.


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