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Do You Believe in Angels?


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Ann, I just found your post and I see no one responded to it... hmmm interesting.

I for one, and I know I am not alone, do believe in angels... I believe in Guardian Angels and I believe there are angels walking amongst us each day here on earth. I believe that sometimes we ourselves are the angels.... things we do daily to help someone in need are actually God working through us... I firmly believe this...

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I believe in angels, and believe there are guardian angels. I'm not sure who they guard, or if we all have one, but I do believe they exist. I do believe that God works through people, and I believe that is his primary way to work.

I don't, however, believe that people are angels or that our loved ones become angels. The Bible says there are angels and there are people - two separate types of beings. He says when we get to heaven we will have new bodies and we will live with Him. I think that angels have specific jobs to do, the primary one being to fight the unseen evil spiritual beings that we cannot see.



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Yes, I most definitely believe in angels.

I personally have three people VERY close to me who have actually had an experience with seeing their angel and having a feeling come over them of 'knowing everything would be okay'.

One was my grandmother (Oma). She was just a child, very very ill. Her angel came to let her know she would be okay. She remembers the details of the experience and it was sooo very long ago.


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I don't know what happens with our loved ones when they pass. I do believe and know in my heart that they do go to heaven and are given life everlasting. I believe that they are released from pain and suffering, they receive the answers to lifes questions including what lies in the hearts of those they love. I believe that love binds us to them forever and that just as the bible says Jesus is always with us and the Holy Spirit knows what is in our hearts, I believe that our loved ones are always with us in spirit and are also tied to our hearts. I believe they can watch over us and love us eternally.

Now whether or not that means they are guardian angels and able to intervene on our behalf, I just don't know. I think God has a plan for all of us, and I don't know whether a guardian angel or a loved one has any influence on that plan. Whether or not that makes them angels or just heavenly spirits I don't know. But I do believe in angels. I do believe our loved ones are close to us always and able to still convey their love to us and speak to us in ways if we are just able to listen and hear.

Sorry I didn't respond earlier, but this is the first I saw of it.

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I too believe there are angels, and I derive my beliefs from the Bible. I believe that angels are supernatural and can take on apperances and can have contact with us here. The bible is clear that people and angels are distinct and separate (i.e. we do not become angels when we enter heaven).

Also, it is my belief that our loved ones in heaven do not have a window into this world. I believe we will reunite, but only when we meet again in a heaven.


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I believe my 3 yr old granddaughter is a special angel sent just in time to help me thru this ordeal. I also have felt the presence of an angel land on me right before falling into a peaceful sleep. Don't know why it happened or why it hasn't happened again. It felt really special and comforting. Anybody got any answers?

Thanks, Patty

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Ann i just now took time to read your posting here and find it very interesting. Yes i believe in Angel's but they are created Spirit's for GOD by GOD.I also belive in People who behave in a Angelic way. The word Angel has 2 meaning's one is a Heavenly Creation and the other mean's a Messenger of or from GOD which with the latter come's the human aspect into it. My Wife had a very large Angel Collection and even subcribed to the magazine Angel's. I know some people have a much different view and i enjoy reading there belief's .......

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The question of angels is a tough one for an ol heathen like me. Do I believe in them? I think that they force me too.

I tell my children that they were once Angels in Heaven who have chosen to come back to Earth to teach me and their Dad to "way" to be the best kind of people. By doing right by them we are doing "right" on Earth and will be happy.

I believe that my guardian angel drops pennies in my path to let me know daily,weekly that I am loved and protected. I have a super large pickle jar full. can you question that? I can't.

"Nana Power" is a mother's love for her child. My mom is very powerful. Her mom was powerful. We don't question this love. It protect us and comes from the Virgin de Guadelupe. In my mind, all those Mexicans in my genealogy can't be wrong. In my family we always say that we are "lucky", this luck is always credited to the Lady.

Faith is easier for me than religion. Proof was always my arrogant bottom line. Cancer has made me more humble and I suspect I will become even more humble as I age. That admission makes me shed tears. I have often thought rational thought would prevail over the superstition of angels and even God.

I am defiant of the fear that would make me run to my knees in supplicatons. But man, I am human and in pain I do know how to pray.

So I do.

I feel no shame about it either.


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I do believe in Angels. I met a gal at the races and we were comparing notes on being a Christian. I mentioned to her that I always say a prayer on the starting line right before my son runs the race car. She looked over at him and said to me "he has an angel sitting on his shoulder, and her name is ? " - I can't remember the name. That really was reassuring for me - he runs over 250 mph and 5.73 seconds in a quarter mile. I am sooooo glad he has an Angel sitting on his shoulder and I have great faith in my God.

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