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The doctors only took a tiny part (aka wedge section) of his lungs.

We'll know 100% for sure about the cancer after the results get back from the lab, but on the slab the doc said no cancer.

He'll be stuck in the hospital for a little while yet... but not nearly as long as was orginally thought.

posted by carguy @ 2:25 PM


From the horse's mouth: (while I'm talking to him on the phone)

"I BEAT IT!! 2 day hospital stay and I'm outta here. I'm the luckiest man in the world, absolutely blessed. Every odd was against me on this thing but everything came out roses. Case closed".

Rob will be post some time tomorrow when he gets his laptop.



Good Morning,

Rob just called. He's not been able to post because the hospital does NOT have WiFI as he was initially informed.

They just removed his "tubes" and may be able to go home this afternoon as soon as the epideural wears off. He's not sure if he's going to his house or to a friend's. Path reports are not back yet but doctor was very optimistic (about 1% chance it IS cancer).

He sounds good, strong.



Good Morning,

Rob just called. He's not been able to post because the hospital does NOT have WiFI as he was initially informed.

They just removed his "tubes" and may be able to go home this afternoon as soon as the epideural wears off. He's not sure if he's going to his house or to a friend's. Path reports are not back yet but doctor was very optimistic (about 1% chance it IS cancer).

He sounds good, strong.


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