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Can anyone help to clear my confusion?


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Hello All,

I have read many of your stories, and I am confused. I am told that the Pet is so sensitive. Now, I understand why other things can light up, but I do not understand how something can measure a certain size on a Pet, yet accounts of much larger tumors removed in surgery.

I have tried to post a few times, but it has not happened. Anyways, doctor is calling Monday morning w/appts. for Pet & thorasic surgen. I expect those to be over by mid week.

Positive vibes to all.

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Hang me in there with the well-wishers.

Things start to unfold as you go along, much like reading a novel. The farther you get into it, the more complicated it becomes, and the more things start to make sense both at the same time. The waiting is the hard part.

Let us know what you find out.

Cindi o'h

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Hi Teresasuesan, This PET CT is confusing stuff, but it sounds like your docs are on top of it. I think size is most accurately determined by CT. A few years ago I had a PET that showed bright spots, but the CT showed nothing, not even a node where the PET spots were.

Try not to worry, and remember to keep positive thoughts. You are not alone. Barb

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keep the faith, i have a 1.4 cm tumor also same spot lower right and did not have the same intake as malignant tumor - did not correspond to same - on pet results - so please do not worry and, if it is go to cyberknife -anything is better than surgery, chase

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