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I'm Melissa. My Dad was diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer on August 12. In November it metastisized to the brain, and last month it was in the neck and the adrenal gland. He started swelling in his arms and legs 2 weeks ago, and now they believe he has SVCS. They started 'extreme radiation' on the lung tumor yesterday to take the pressure off of the vena cava, but the swelling is still really bad.

I was told by some friends that I really needed to find support from people who were in this same situation, so here I am. I'm a teacher, so I have to put on a 'happy face' every day, even if I was at my parent's house until midnight the night before helping out. It's definitely been a strain on my psyche this year.

So, that's me. I also have 2 wonderful children, and a wonderful husband who have been so instrumental in helping me through this. I've always been extremely close to my parents, and still live less than 5 minutes away. As the only sibling that's close, I'm thankful for the opportunity to help out, but those of you in this situation know, sometimes you have to take a step back as well.

Anyway--hi :)

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Melissa, Welcome to our Family. Sorry you have to join us But glad you found us. We will give you all the support that we can and help that we can offer. Just ask. Read the Good News and survivors columns. Full of inspiration. you will find lots of folks in lots of situations here all filled with knowledge and love and compassion. If ya have to be anywhere to deal with this disease this is the place to be.

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Welcome,You sure came to the right place for support.

I was lucky enough to live close to my Dad when he was going through his treatments and I help out when needed. It sure is alot of work and stress but I was glad to do it, and I got to spend alot of time with him before is passed away. Praying for your Dad!

Stay positive!


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Melissa -

Welcome. I am sorry you have to be here...but this is the place for support. I went through the journey with my mom starting in August. I don't know how I would have made it through without the support of people on this board.

We are here for you with information and with lots of support and prayers.


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Welcome Melissa. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, but you have most definitely found the right place for support and information. My Dad also has NSCLC which has recently metastisized to the brain. This board has been so helpful to me not only in providing information, but also providing hope. There are a lot of people on here surviving beyond Dr's expectations and it helps me stay positive. It's a tough road, but remain as positive as you can! Take care,

Sherri :)

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Welcome Melissa,

This disease is very trying at times. SVCS is horrible. This is how my mom was dx in Jan. The swelling looks really horrible. Have faith and trust that the radiation will help. We noticed the swelling going down after the first treatment, but really noticed a difference after the first week. Also please make sure there are no blood clots in the Superior Vena Cava. My mom developed these, but the Drs. didn't catch them tell we insisted on another CT scan. Let me know if I can be of help. I too live a few blocks away from my mom, I take her to all of her appointments, plus try to keep up with home and work.

Hugs and Prayers


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Sorry you need us. My husband had SVCS and yes the swelling is terrible, but after his radiation treatments started there was relief. Alan had to sleep sitting up for a few weeks.

Alan has Small Cell that spread to his brain, but he is now stable :D and living a fairly "normal" life. There is much hope now with all the treatments avaliable.

I will keep your family in my prayers

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Welcome to the site. My husband also has SVCS. They can put a stent in your dad's vena cava if it becomes necessary. My husband also had radiation on his tumor and it shrunk back off the vein but it still was partially blocked. Over time now, it has gradually closed, and is now completely blocked. What happened with him was the other veins became larger making a new path back to the heart so he did not have to have a stent put it. The body is an amazing thing. I hope the radiation helps. Good luck. Keep us posted.

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Welcome, Melissa. Glad you found us. My wife was an only child also, so she could relate to your situation. My daughter is a high school teacher in health science, so she could relate to the teacher part.

My wife also has NSCLC and has survived 3 1/2 years so far, with a good life. So take heart and hope. Keep us posted. Don

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