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Meeting with surgeon this Monday 3-27-06


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-3-20-06-Appt with VAT Thoracic Surgeon who refers me to Oncologist

-3-22-06-Appt with Dr.oncologist

3-23-06- Drs. & I am meeting on Monday to discuss lobectomy (s)..My post op condition is not stable enough to handle radiation or chemo at this point so this is the only option at this juncture in time..We're going to do a lot of praying from this point forward

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While you wait for more news next

March 27th.

Long is the way

Long is the way, and very steep the slope,

Strengten me once again, O God of Hope.

Far. very far, the summit doth appear;

But Thou art near my God, but Thou art near.

And Thou wilt give me with my daily food,

Powers of endurance, courage, fortitude.

Thy way is perfect; only let that way

Be clear before my feet from day to day.

Thou art my Portion, saith my soul to Thee,

O what a Portion is my God to me.

(Amy Carmichael)

prayers going your way.



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I had a thoracotomy three years ago, the lower and middle lobe of my right lung were removed. It AIN'T fun, recuperation is a long road - and I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Prayer is a good thing, center yourself and take care of business.

Keep us posted, please.


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Thank you for your concern & support..

They will be doing a lower left lobectomy & an upper left segmentomy..Also there was some slight activity in some of the lymph nodes & something near the hellum (SIC) that they will check out..They'll try to preserve part of the upper left lobe if possible..

I admire your the tremendous spirit to beat this insidious monster that has invaded our lives & to support each other as much as we can..

That is very reassuring just to know that I am not alone in this fight..

God Bless All in This Wonderful Support Group,


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Prayers that all goes well with the thoracotomy. You mention one thing in your profile that I don't quite understand. You said your "post op" condition did not permit radiation and chemo at this time. Have you had another recent surgery? I started my chemo and radiation about 4 weeks after they did a left upper lobectomy on me.

It was not the easiest thing I have ever done but not the worst either. I slept in a recliner for a few weeks after surgery and that helped me a lot. It seemed to hurt worse when I tried to lie flat. I had some lymph node involvement as well, but the took those little rascals out and I am over 3 years post op at the moment. So far so good.

Wishing you nothing but the best.


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You are never alone through this. We have or our love ones have walked in your shoes.

Keep us posted. You will do fine. You are lucky that it is operable.

Thinking of you and sending prayers your way.

Maryanne :wink: [/b]

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