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Like many others I have been lurking and debating about posting, but think it is time. My husband was dx w/ extensive sclc back in 9/05' this was about a month after I lost my father to bladder cancer. My husband is only 52 and we have 2 young girls 8 and 11 and it has been very difficult on all of us. He's gone thru 6 rds of cisplasin and etoposide and has had some success, a couple of week ago had some problems with numbness on this left side, a ct scan and mri determined there was something going on but the dr. not conclusive as to if it is metasized or something vascular, so he has to go for further tests. spinal tap, and echocardiogram

But this is so difficult on me, I cry everyday, I've relied so much of my life on my husband and love him so, I know I need to hang on and be strong, but from all I hear I don't like....but for all that I am feeling, what my husband is feeling and going thru is so, so very much more, beyond my comprehension..........

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Really sorry you had to find us and sorry to heard about your husband, but I am glad you stopped lurking and decided to post. We all know what your feeling and going through. There is a lot of support and knowledge here. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I am sure someone will help. I know in times like this, it is hard to stay strong, but you need to be. God Bless and keep us posted.

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So sorry to hear about your husband. I can imagine, having 2 young children how hard this must be, but you really need to have hope. We're all here for you, and as I'm sure you've seen, there are many people here who have outlived their dx.

Glad you've come on board and welcome.


P.S. so sorry about your father

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Welcome to you, EastCoast Ladi!!!!!

I am in PA so I guess I am an EastCoatLadi also! I am sorry to hear about your husband. All of us here know the fear and anxiety you are experiencing. We can at least help you through these rough times. Many have such expertise that you may even be guided some of the way as well. Please stay with us and allow us to help keep you strong for your husband and those 2 children of yours!


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So sorry you have to be here. I hope this site can be a sanctuary for you and your husband.

I know the helpless feeling of watching a loved one in a battle for their life. My wife has been battling SCLC and even though she has beaten back the beast, I cry often, thinking about all that she has gone through.

It's just unfair!

Hopefully, the treatment regimen for your husband will keep on with the shrinkage. Many here have had lesions zapped off the map, also.

Best wishes,

Kim & Bev

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It is difficult, for sure, and we are here to help and to listen. It is never easy, and with small children I think it is almost harder.

My son, now 20, was 7 when I had my first breast cancer, and I cried all the time.

Luckily, with the lung cancer, a doctor gave me an anti-depressent and an anti-anxiety so I did not cry like before.

Am on the East Coast too!! Where are you?


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Welcome. I took those same chemo drugs and developed neuropathy. Some has gone now after so long but I guess some will be with me from now on.

Did he have a brain scam also?

Donna G

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Welcome. It is tough to try and be the caregiver and the strong one - but you can do it. Yes, life has changed dramatically for you, but you will adjust and thrive each day, each hour as it comes. Know that many, many people understand how you feel and will help you in anyway they can. We are here for you and your husband!

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My mom was diagnosed in Oct. of this year and has undergone radiation 36 to chest and 15 to spine. She is on her 2nd round of chemo and is doing ok. She has suffered little side effects except for weakness and neuropathy in her feet. Her appetite is huge and she feels good most of the time, although she does sleep a lot. She has a positive outlook and it is actually better than mine. I think all a patient needs is a little bit of hope and it will help them win the fight. If not for this site I never would have thought mom had a chance. It has been a Godsend to me. I to cry everyday but I think of everyday as a gift,none of us know how long we have.Shemay outlive me. Don't read the statistics on line as they would have had my mom dead already. Listen to the people at this site as they have been through it themselves. It is extremely hard being a caregiver, but somehow you get the strength to smile and go on with life. Enjoy every day with your husband to the fullest, allow him to enjoy life and your marriage and children. Cancer makes you appreciate life much more than before. If ever you need to chat e mail me I could also use the support. I am from the east coast to. Pennsylvania. I forgot to mention mom is 72 years young.


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Hi, I came upon your post tonight and am going to go to God for you and your husband before going back to sleep. I am sad with you...but I do truly believe that miracles happen and that our lives are not ruled by cancer, treatments, or anything else. I don't know if you believe this, but I do and I will pray for your family. Don't give up. I was in stage four cancer in September '05...now I have had two clear scans...please know that anything is possible and that the one who made us knows best what we need. He provides our daily bread if we ask him...and this is the bread of life.

Hope you don't mind what I have written.



Ps.27, James 5& 6

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I am sorry you had to find us, but glad that you did.

We all have walked in your shoes. Just know the LC is not necessarly a death sentence. There are so many here who have beaten the odds. They just have to find the right treament to help your husband. Even though LC is not curabal it is treatable and he can survive a long time on treatment and remission.

I know how hard this is on you, but you will manage. Just keep the faith as it has moved mountains. Proof of that on here!

We are always here for you to vent, support or to help you with answers you may have.

Hang in there, you can do this.


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