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Bronchoscopy & another ONC RUNAROUND

Donna G

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I certainly appreciate all the input and suggestions regarding Steve's oncologist not being truthful. I read each post many times and thought about each one. I followed the links given and read everything. Thank you!! I don't know why we thought today's oncologist (Dr. C) visit should be any different........ Last week, Dr. C said that maybe Steve had cancer in the air sacs.. and I asked if another bronchoscopy could be done and he said NO, not unless massive bleeding had begun. We went straight to the pulmonologist (Dr. N.) After yesterday's bronchoscopy, Dr. N said he was going to send a report STAT to Dr. C so he would have it in time for today's visit. When Dr. C came into the room (after we had to wait an hour and half), he was reading Steve's folder. He asked Steve how his cough was and Steve said he still had it and he said that he had decided that he should see Dr. N again and have another bronchoscopy!! :shock: Steve said he had one YESTERDAY and Dr. N sent him a report. Just then, Dr. C was called to the desk and he put Steve's folder on the table, still opened to the page he was reading when he entered the room. Of course, we looked at it and it was the PULMONARY REPORT - dated TODAY! On top of it was a handwritten note from the pathologist that said that the specimens submitted were positive and in the process of being classified. :evil: When Dr. C returned to the room, he immediately went into explaining the chemo worked rapidly at first on Steve because it tackled and killed small cell lung cancer, but the 3cm piece that didn't dissolve because it was probably non-small cell lung cancer, which wouldn't respond to chemo.

He said that he will treat the 3cm remainder with radiation, but it would probably be 2 weeks before he could get an appointment with a radiologist for a consultation. hmmmm That's about the time we'll be leaving for Sloan-Kettering.

Steve asked if the blocked bronchial tube Dr. N observed (unchanged since March) was the cause of his cough and he said ABSOLUTELY - NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. He went on to say the airway is totally blocked in one area.... :roll: It's reassuring to know that he knows that without even knowing he had a bronchoscopy or saw a report 10 minutes earlier. For weeks he's been brushing the cough off as asthma or post nasal drip..

Last week, Dr. C was to have gone over the PET SCAN results with us, but lost the report and hadn't looked at the films.... After that, we got the films, as we're gathering the required documents to take to Sloan-Kettering. Two days ago, Dr. Cs office called me and said that they called for the films and were told we had checked them out. She asked if we could drop them off at Dr. Cs office, as he wanted to go over them with us today. I took them yesterday, but he didn't even mention the films nor the report today, either!!

Upswing of today's visit - all blood counts were back to normal and NO MORE PROCRIT!!! Just more frustrations...........

We're going to Sloan on September 15 and are on a cancellation call list, too. We're also going to try to see another oncologist here before going to Sloan.... September 15 seems so far away when time is so crucial.

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