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Getting to know you - April 17


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My Current Boss is one that everyone should have I think. Notonly is he a Cancer survivor BLOOD CANCER type unsure of? He has 3 beautiful children since 3 and a half years ago. I was not allowed to miss one single appointment for Deb No matter what day or time the apptmnt was. I work For RuthsChris Steakhouse by the way as a pastry Chef. I have cried on this mans shoulder and been supported for the last 3 years while Deb was ill. Can anyone match this? His theory is Family First Work Second! 8)8)

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I had a great boss at one time,He was a people person.If I had a problem I would go to him knowing he would listen and do what he could to help out.No i didnt go to him about problems with co workers,just Job related problems.If you had to take time off for family he understood,and always said do what you need to do,even if it was take the dog to the vet.

Now the company changed hands and the new boss there is an idiot.

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I never cannot remember not having very good bosses and not having a very good working relationship. They were always more then fair, square with me and never was a problem taking time off etc. As a matter of fact back in 79 I was out sick for 3 months and still got payed, it was a small little company and they really did not have to pay me and many times in my working career my bosses stepped up to the plate for me.

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I guess I've been pretty lucky where bosses are concerned. I have always had a boss who I got along great with both in retail and as a caregiver. I would have to say the boss I have now is the best.

When she knew how much I needed the work she always called on me first. She even loaned me gas money one time. She is in her early to mid 30s and all of her caregivers are much older than she is but she knows how to handle us and our clients with respect and gratitude.

Last week she asked me to do a big favor for her. One of her caregivers quit with very little notice. She asked me to work that client this week. The catch is is is 50 miles from my house across the valley going toward Mt. Lassen. To compensate me she talked the client into paying my milage one way then she gave me a $60 gas card. I would be making enough money to make double what I usually do encluding driving time plus my gas for the week. Well the client's wife ended up in the hospital. Instead of asking for the gas card back she told me to keep it. She knows I am still waiting for my increased SS to kick in and she said she will probably have to ask another favor of me in the future.

Working for her is really a great experience especially sense I am doing something I love so much.

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