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Speaking of cars...I need everyone's opinion on something...


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Ok, everyone. My mom bought a Mazda RX8 a year and a half ago. For those of you who don't know what this car looks like, here is a picture: (it is this color also)

http://www.mazdausa.com/MusaWeb/display ... leCode=RX8

She called this her "midlife crisis" car. I said to her, "I thought we already did that with the last car (she had a red Pontiac Sunfire). She said, "Oh, that car wasn't sporty enough."

This car was rarely driven and it only has about 2000 miles on it, and now it is mine. I just can't part with it knowing how much she loved this car. We just signed all of the necessary paperwork this week. So here's my question: We have to change the plates on the car, and my husband and I were talking about putting something on them to honor my mom. Here are some things to consider:

I am her only child, and I have b/g twins who are 4 and were her entire world. I gave birth to her third grandbaby, a boy, 3 weeks after she died.

I believe we are allowed 7 spaces on the plate.

I considered something like "Momscar" or something simple like that.

My husband suggested "gramyou." Ok, there is a story behind this. Before my twins were born my mom kept saying she wanted to be called something other than "grandma" to distinguish between the two grandmas. She suggested "Grammie." I really didn't like this, but when the kids were born, she kept signing cards "Grammie." (eventually we wound up calling her Grandma anyway) She moved in with us when the kids were almost 2, so really just starting to talk. One day my husband said "give Grandma a kiss." My mom said, "not Grandma, Grammie" (emphsizing the "mee" syllable.) My husband said, "Ok, Gramyou! ...I guess you had to be there. Anyway, that's the reason why he suggested this. I don't really like it--don't know exactly what I want but something clever to remember her by. Anyone have any fabulous suggestions??

Thankyou for your help!

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