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Avastin, Part II

Don Wood

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Well, we went for Lucie's treatment today and it was an ordeal for her. We were there from 9:15AM to 4:30PM. We had instruction on the new chemo, Avastin. Then it was administered and took 1 1/2 hours (they said it would be shorter time next time). Then she had four pre-chemo IV medications that took a total of 1 hour. Then came Taxol for 3 hours and then Carboplatin for another hour. Lucie is so wiped out from it all. She did not get sick and experience any side effects -- just very, very tired. We will see with time what the fallout is from the side effects. But, at least, we have started. Don

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Sending Prayers From NC I hope the next time is easier on Lucie and You also Don. I know that a NEW CHEMO ESPECIALLY ONE INVOLVING THE WHOLE DAY LIKE THAT IS TRYING ON bOTH OF YOU AND i HOPE THE NEXT ONE GOES SMOOTHER THAN THE FIRST. Darn Caps Lock Key always in the way.

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Poor little thing. That is a long day for anyone. Geez, they are really giving her some heavy duty chemos again. Hope she does okay with them. I am going to shout some high pitched bleating prayers to the Shepherd for her. I have a feeling that she will need them.


Cindi o'h

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Will Lucie have all of those meds each time? What is her schedule like? Mine was three days in a row then wait 3 weeks and do it all over again. I can't imagine a day like Lucie had today very often. Bless you both. Keeping you in my prayers.


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I hope things go smoother for Lucie next time -- I thought 7 hours in chemo setting was normal: guess not with folks' responses so far (learned something new today)! Mom's chemo has been "full days" like that -- is quite an ordeal.

Keep us posted. Praying for great results from this.



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Oh Don & Lucy -

The first day of this chemo regime is really brutal and I feel for both of you. I would come home from chemo and just be totally wiped out. I bet one of the pre-meds is Benadryl and that makes some folks really sleepy. I would be in a chemo room with 15 other folks and I would sleep for at least 3 hours each time. The nurses would change my IV and I would never even wake up!! The good thing about this regime is that nausea usually isn't a problem. The worse part, for me, was the immense fatigue, the intense muscle & joint pain and the issues with taste from day 2 through day 5 post chemo. Drinking tons of water really does help with this one. I didn't drink enough water after one of my chemos and noticed the difference.

I will keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.

With a gentle hug to both of you,

Pam in FL

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I have absolutelly no words other than to say I am sending heavy duty prayers that subsequent tx's will go more quickly and smoothly for dear Lucie! How many of these is she scheduled to have? And of course, it goes without saying, the prayers are also for a very positive response as well.



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Lucie and Don,

The two of you are always in my prayers. I'm so very sorry to hear how long and drawn out this treatment is for Lucy. Mike had the long and the short. Oh how I remember the beginning ones that were all day, bring your lunch affairs. It is hard, but I remember there was benadryl in there that knocked Mike out and made him so sleepy.. it's effect continued until later when the decadron kicked in and kept him awake all night. I recall all those effects. I just hope Lucie will feel better soon and that the treatments work.

Love and Prayers,


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What a terribly long and tiring day yesterday was for both you and Lucie. I hope today gets both of you caught up on some well deserved rest and relaxation. Keeping both of you in my prayers.

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Mike had Avastin and it does get faster. The first time it took an hour and a half for the Avastin. The next time it took an hour, then after that a half hour. That part should get better. For Mike, it was an all day thing everytime and we drove an hour each way too. Of course at the time it about killed us both I think, but now we seem to be saying it wasn't too bad. I hope things get better for you all. I know what you are going through. How is Lucy today?

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Dear Don and Lucie... many hugs and prayers are going out to both of you today... I know how hard this is on both of you... Jim used to get so frustrated with the fatigue but I use to tell thim tht his body was giving thim the message that he NEEDED to give in to it and just sleep whether it was nighttime or not. You are clearly her biggest supporter and cheerleader. I hope the Avastin works for her!


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Thanks for posting an update about our gal, Lucie!

I hope so much that she can tolerate this chemo and get to feeling better.

I am going to start buying the party favors for the biggest NED dance party ever held here at LCSC just for her.

Much love,


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