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Hi everyone, I'm just curious if any of you have a hickups after chemo? Thomas seems to have this hickups that last 3 days after each chemo. Is this something I should be worried about? Thank you everyone. He is doing good and spirits are up.

God Bless us all



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Malou -

Jim used to get hiccups a lot... not necessarily related to the chemo, but when I asked the doc about it they said hiccups are usually related to "irritation of the diaphragm" - which I'm sure could be chemically related. It's frustrating tho' I don't know whether an old "farmer's remedy" might work, but it used to work for me... give him a glass of water, then you go stand behind him and put your two middle fingers in his ears, pressing inward, and have him drink the water down (usually about 4 oz.) swallowing several times. I don't know "why" it works but it often does!


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I had hiccups the day after treatment every time. My chemo regime was the weekly variety with lower doses of carbo/taxol. My onc said hiccups were actually a mild form of nausea and he gave me a prescription for Compazine which did help. They always went away by the second day after chemo.

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