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Mom's decided to go ahead with the WBR after sitting and talking with her onc today. I, however, being a big ole pain in the butt, have some questions. I didn't go with her today (I should have, but I had to work *sighs*) and am only going on her memory of events and what was said...and her memory's not great lately.

She says that when she asked about surgical options that she was told that the doctors at the center she goes to will NOT do surgery after the patient has had radiation therapy previously. She DID remember to ask if there were places where there were doctors who would and she was told they MIGHT at Mayo. Anyone have any information on this? I'm confused by this as the SRS is supposed to do so little damage to the surrounding tissue that it would seem to me like it's not the same as doing surgery on a brain that's already been thru WBRT.

She was told that they COULD try SRS again...but that the doctors think that it wouldn't do any good as this is a recurrent met and not a "new". Again, anyone have any history with this?

I feel like I'm working against the clock on this one and I know that I'll have a ton more questions when I have time to sit down and really think some more...but these two are a good place to start.

Oh, and to let you all know...she goes on Monday for her first WBR treatment and I'm going with her this time so that I can sit and talk with her onc and be her "memory" on what he says.

Thanks everyone for any information you might be able to share with me...and even if you don't.

Hugs and many prayers for you all...

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Hi Missy,

Call Mayo and see if you can get someone to call you back right away. I was impressed when I got a call returned from a thoracic surgeon the following morning for a telephone conference call.

Call them honey. What have you got to lose?


Cindi o'h

this is a link for brain tumors


this is a link for brain tumor treatments

cyberknife, gamma etc.


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I will give you the number for my mom's neurosurgeon. He is a big wig at University of Cincinnati, so he certainly has some conacts around the country. His name is Dr. Ronald Warnick. He can be reached at 513-475-8629.

His group is preparing a medical journal (not yet published) which indicates that doing brain surgery with I-25 seed implant gives the patient an average life expectancy of 1 year. Those are the stats he gave us after mom's surgery. Mom has WBR first, then SRS to 4 mets, then brain surgery to remove necrosis and 2 mets. It has been a rough 4 months post surgery, but mom is doing really well the past few weeks.

God, I hope this helps...

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If you haven't done this already it might help to get a small organizer for mom to keep with her for question and answer sessions with doc. Also meds and apptmnts. Deb never had surgery so I can't offer any advice but can send prayers for wbr treatment on Monday

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As Alan only had WBR and IMRT radiation to his brain met I can not comment on the surgery option, but only to say sometimes the size of the tumor can be a factor. Call the Mayo and get their opinion just so you have all your options.

Prayers for your family

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I cannot comment on the surgical possibilities, but I can encourage you to call Mayo. That is who we are working with, and they are amazing. I have never seen anything so efficient in my life. They have gotten more done in a day for my dad than his local place got done in 3 months. It is amazing. They are quick to return calls, and great about getting appointments. We are going to the one in Rochester, Minnesota, and I have NOTHING but positive remarks for them.

I will pray for you, and for peace in your heart.

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I cannot comment on the surgical possibilities, but I can encourage you to call Mayo. That is who we are working with, and they are amazing. I have never seen anything so efficient in my life. They have gotten more done in a day for my dad than his local place got done in 3 months. It is amazing. They are quick to return calls, and great about getting appointments. We are going to the one in Rochester, Minnesota, and I have NOTHING but positive remarks for them.

I will pray for you, and for peace in your heart.

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my radiation doctor told me that the strength of the radiation used in the initial treatment is what limits the re-radiation. There is a max amount of radiation that can be used. On the SRS, they use heavy dosage to allow only 1 treatment.


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Just saw your post today...Sending prayers that Sue is doing well after her treatments.

I have had two brain surgeries. One back in April 2004, then has SRS for any left over cells and then as recent as Feb 2006. This 2nd surgery was to remove Necrosis AND tumor that came back in same location as 1st tumor. I have not had any treatment yet (ie.,SRS,WBR or chemo ) for this last surgery.

Scheduling an MRI for next week.Will see what happens after that, we'll see...

It is so hard to say what to do. Each situation is individual. Seems the more I read, doctors from either the east, south, north, midwest amd out of the country seem to have different protocals. It is difficult to decide what to do as far as treatment. As far as having surgery after radiation to the brain. I just had surgery and I had radiation to the brain(SRS.) It may depend on location, size and number of tumors. I had only one tumor each surgery and it was in the ceribellum Sp? area. Controls my balance.

I am truly blessed. Please keep us posted on how your mom is doing.

Hope this helps.

Blessings and prayers,


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