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I have never been very successful at using the Search feature of this message board. My father is considering starting treatment with Gemzar. I'm sure people have posted their experiences with this chemo before and wanted to find them. When I type in Gemzar, I get a lot of recent hits -- but what comes up most is long strings of messages and it's really like looking for a "needle in a haystack" if I have to look through all the strings for Gemzar. Am I doing something wrong.


gail p-m


Gail, Also after you open the post rather then read the whole entire string of posts. If your are using Internet Explorer--click on edit at the top of the page, click on find, then type in gemzar (or what ever word you want) then click on find next. It will search for the word gemzar. Cuts way down on reading all the posts. Will save you some time. Hope this helps. Rich

PS: I did do the carpo/gemzar but it did not do anything at all for me.


Can't help with the search, but can give my mom's Gemzar experience. For her it was a "gem" b/c it shrunk the tumor enough for surgery.

She was on the gemzar/carbo. While she did not enjoy chemo, it was NOT as bad as she expected at all. She tolerated the gemzar well. I believe she needed 1 transfusion due to low blood counts, but no major set backs from reaction. She only lost half of her hair on it.


Try "Gemcetabine" the generic name for Gemzar.

My husband was on Gemzar/Carbopolatin combo. Side effects were mild. Had total of 3 transfusion towards the end, I think it was 6th,7th & 8th treatment. Had a good response on 1st cyle 50% shrinkage and it did nothing after the 3rd cyle.

Good Luck


MY time with Gemzar was very short - my body does not deal with chemo well - usually within 2-3 days I'm in the hospital .. Don't think it's the Gemzar's fault - just my system. I only had 2 sessions. The only side effect I had was low blood counts. Others have said that they had wonderful results. I hope your results are as good. I wasn't on it long enough to find out if I could get any good results from it.

Good luck


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