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Prayers for Keith's Surgery 5/9/06


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Thinking of you both right now as surgery gets started. Prayers for peace for you as you wait and many, many prayers that the skillful doctors get this done quickly with 100% success.



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Thank you everyone for the prayers. I know that God was with us today. Amazingly enough as we waited for Keith to be taken to surgery, neither of us felt too apprehensive or scared. It was like God allowed a little calm to comfort our hearts.

Keith's procedure took a little longer than expected because his liver anatomy is a little more rare than they expected. Apparantly the artery that feels Keith's liver is not a direct artery, but branches off. It happens in about 15-20% of people. But, it did not cause any complications, it just meant the doctors had to take a bit longer than expected to map out his anatomy before beginning.

There were three possible complications that they mentioned which were possible infection (which all we can do is wait and see, but he is getting antibiotics), There was the risk that cutting into the femural artery can cause excessive bleeding or won't heal or close well (but this did not happen, after surgery they were able to close it and it isn't oozing or bleeding much), and the third and most scary risk is that the chemo agent might seep beyond the liver into the bowels. If that was to happen they would have to have emergency surgery and remove his small bowels. (This also did not happen, they can tell that immediately and that didn't happen). Yeah!

So in brief, the surgery went well with no complications. The doctor also feels that they usually see good response to this type of procedure with carcinoid cancers so hopefully we should see some good success. It is just a matter of wait and see. :x I hate wait and see, but don't we all?

The only problem we are facing is again pain control. I know that after 3 years of being on oxycodone, oxycontin, methadone, and other things he has built up a huge tolerance to pain meds. But, boy they are really having a hard time getting him comfortable. They are giving him dilaudid every hour and it isn't really helping. He is in intense pain right now. I had to leave the hospital to come home and feel the pets, and as I was leaving they said that he would be hooked up to a PCA (patient control something or other) basically it is the personal pump with dilaudid in it. I hope by the time I get back he will be much more comfortable.

The nurses are being great, and trying so hard but can only do what they have orders for. So, if I have to sneak him some of his own pain meds to bring him comfort I will.

Anyway, I am heading back to the hospital now and will be spending the night with him there. He should come home tomorrow if they can get the pain down.

I will update more tomorrow, but I wanted to let you all know that we are doing well and are so appreciative for the prayers and love.

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