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Hi everyone,

Apparently sometime after Christmas, my email program decided that it didn't like lchelp anymore. Therefore, I haven't posted since my dad's surgery back on December 5th. I've logged back in under a slightly different name but some of you may remember my son's picture. Anyway, please know that although I haven't been posting, I have been reading. I shared the losses of so many of you over the past several months and cried along with you. I've also shared in the good news! My dad had a long road to recovery but the good news is that he is doing well. He didn't start the Tarceva until after my brother's wife had her baby up in NY, so he got to enjoy that. In the middle of his problems following surgery, we found out that we were pregnant with our second baby and after 2 miscarriages and holding our breath are now almost starting month 7 with a due date the end of August. We decided that 2005 was not a good year for our family but so far 2006 seems like a better number! I will start posting again to all of you, your trials, tribulations, and successes! Its good to be back!



Hi Tammy,

Welcome back. I do remember you when I saw that adorable picture of you little boy. He is so cute.

I am so glad 2006 has become a good year for you. I am thrilled about your pregnacy and that your dad is doing well.

Keep in touch, its could to hear from you.

Maryanne :wink:


Hi Tammy: congratulations on the impending new arrival on your family and I hope your dad's current scan shows no evidence of disease.

Don M

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