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From Stacey Lloyd,

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London Woman Has 7.7 Pound Tumor Removed From Lung

A True Lung Cancer Survival Story

Margaret Curtis, a 59 year-old woman from New Malden, was diagnosed with lung cancer in April. Doctors had discovered a large tumor in one of Margaret's lungs. Within two weeks after her lung cancer diagnosis, surgeons removed a 7.7 lbs. tumor from her lung. (That's the weight of an average newborn baby!) Now, Margaret is on a mission.

Once a smoker in her early 20s, Margaret is now on a mission to get others to quit smoking. She told This is Local London,

"I smoked when I was younger and now when I see young people smoking, I share my story with them."

Just two months after her surgery, Margaret joined Cancer Research UK in its efforts to ban smoking in public places. She travels from pub to pub with petition in hand, warning people of the dangers of secondhand smoke.

"Thousands of people will still be exposed to secondhand smoke at work, which is unacceptable. The doctors told me that passive smoking can be just as dangerous as actually lighting up yourself."

To find out more about Margaret's campaign, go to www.cancercampaigns.org.uk.

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