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Insurance approved the scan so I'll be going in on Monday morning. I could have had it done tomorrow but I wanted to do it on a day when my favorite tech is there.

He knows how claustrophobic I can get and he walks me through the whole thing minute by minute. He doesn't leave me in the scanner any longer then necessary, he comes into the scanning room to ask how I'm doing and remind me that there's only a little bit longer to go. VERY sweet. Helps to take at least some of the stress out of the situation. Even if he were available tomorrow we wouldn't get the results any sooner then Tuesday.

I'm feeling SO weak, tired, dizzy, sleepy. Between the anemia and the Oxy I can barely do anything. I'm hoping that I'll be able to eat better over the next few days and get some vitamin supplements in me to help perk me up.

When I'm feeling like this it's very hard to stay positive or motivated. I'm just so tired.

Thank you all for the prayers.

God Bless.




I'm so glad there is such a compassionatae tech for you. But I am so sorry this progression(?) has caught you off guard and brought you down. I'll be hoping and praying you can get to the bottom of this new development and get back on track. We still have to share that drink at Cindi's pub, remember? Will have you close in thought and prayer until I hear results on Tuesday.



Here's hoping you have a pleasant scan experience Antoinette. I hope the results are even better. You've beaten the odds so far and there's no reason why you can't continue to do so.

I hope you regain some energy too!


(((Antoinette))) Sorry you are feeling so poorly sweetie. Hopefully those vitamin suppliments will perk you right up. Also a reminder to drink lots of fluids, fatigue, dizziness, weakness can all be signs of dehydration as well.

I am holding you close in prayer, and I am praying for good scan results for you. Sending you love.


prayers, hugs, positive thoughts, and a big warm blanket out of the dryer. Good luck and saying prayers Antoinette


Will be thinking of you as you go through the scan. They had to virtually knock my husband out for his PET scan--he's so claustrophobic that he once bolted from an MRI, even after liberal amounts of valium, ran down 20 blocks of NY city streets to the car park, insisted on driving home and only allowed me to take over the wheel when his head began to droop in a traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge. I got him into the passenger seat and he was out for the count before I even started the engine up again!

Keep us posted!



I really feel for those of you with claustrophobia issues. Personally I don't mind small spaces as long as I can close my eyes, and Keith used to be ok with them too. But about three months ago Keith was in getting a CT scan, and the hospital had a system wide power outage while he was in the middle of it. He was stuck in that machine with no lights on, and no electricity in the hospital for about 30 minutes until a tech figured out the manual releases for the bed and slid him out.

Now he gets really anxious whenever he has to do a CT and asks for a Valium.


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