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I'm So Sick of This!


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As we continue our journeys down this road together as survivors, caregivers, family members, friends and grievers, we have to find the strength to make noise and educate others. I hope we (LCSC members), can find a way to make a bigger impact. It's time and I'M SICK OF THIS!!!!!

These were such true and powerful words from Judy that have inspired me:

"It is not fair that there really is no hope or help with lung cancer...He did not deserve what he was given. It is too late for Ray but I hope that soon there will be help for the many that are facing the lung cancer battle."

I will be posting about my plans for the future to hopefully spur others to help in their own ways. I hope others will continue their efforts or take up the cause. The little things can really add up. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!! I believe this with all of my heart!

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I think the only way we can make a difference is to raise awareness to allocate more federal money to research in addition to private donations.

We need to find a cure, period.

A donation link on this website to a reputable research firm would be a good start :D .

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I helped start the North Carolina Lung Cancer Awareness License plate. Goes into production Jan1 2007. 10$ each plate for research 10$ to North Carolina Lung cancerassociation rest to the state 45.00$ each plate. Its a start.

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Lungcanceralliance.org has petitions that can be printed and circulated along with information sheets on lung cancer. (You can also sign the petition online.) I've toted these around to a lot of places for signatures to get more funding for lung cancer research. When people read the funding statistics, they are stunned.


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Great ideas. Randy: How did you get the license plate started?

My plans involve starting a foundation--hopefully named "The Breath of Life Foundation." This organization will be established to help lung cancer patients and their families with the financial hardships that come with this diagnosis and treatment, e.g. gas money, household necessities, etc. Fundraising ideas include a water volleyball tournament (here at the house--Charlie loved playing), and possibly a p*o*k*e*r tournament(he loved that, too). I also plan to look into government grants and talking to hospitals, physicians and others. Hopefully, getting media coverage for all of the events, etc. Just brainstorming. But, I think it has potential. What do you think?

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I know that since dipping out toes in the awareness raising/fundraising arena on the 4th...I'm raring to go...just trying right now to focus in on SOMETHING instead of having a billion ideas all floating around in my brain all at once!

All the ideas sound just GREAT!!!

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