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Protecting Against Serious Chemotherapy Side Effect

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Protecting Against Serious Chemotherapy Side Effect

16 Jul 2006

Every year, Over one million cancer patients in the u.s. receive chemotherapy. One serious side effect of chemotherapy is neutropenia, a shortage of infection-fighting white blood cells. Complications associated with neutropenia can delay a patient's chemotherapy or keep them from getting a full dose.

Dr. Michael rader, assistant professor columbia university medical center:

"With sufficient white blood cells, patients have a better chance of adhering to their chemotherapy schedule, giving them the best chance for successful treatment. Using Neulasta, a medication that increases white blood cell count, from the start of chemotherapy can help protect patients from neutropenia."

Neulasta helps protect patients against chemotherapy related Complications and significantly reduces the risk of infection and incidence of hospitalization related to neutropenia.

Rare cases of splenic rupture and allergic reactions, including Anaphylaxis, have been reported in postmarketing experience. Rarely, these allergic reactions recurred within days after discontinuing anti-allergic treatment. For more information, visit http://www.neulasta.com or speak to your healthcare professional.



Article URL: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... wsid=47220

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