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Mom is sick again


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Hi my name is Theresa and my mom is sick again. It all started two years ago in June. Two days before I got married my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. I didn't find out becuase my parents didn't want me to worry on my wedding day and on my honeymoon. So they told my husband and I when we got back. She started radiation and chemo treatment in July and was finished in December the week of christmas, it was a special christmas for us all. Mom was still alive and doing really well, and I was 6 months pregnant with my first child. Things were going great mom was in remission. I had my little girl in May of 05 and my mom was there to share in that wonderful moment with my husband and I. Things started to go down hill around June, when she started to act strange. At first it was nothing, like leaving a door open, or leaving the milk on the counter, leaving the water running. Then she started to leave the car door open while she backed out of the garage. She did this twice. The second time she called the Dr. right way she new something was not right. He radioligest made her go in for an MRI that day. They found two tumors, one the size of a dime the other the size of a half dollar. The radioligest said this is why she is acting strange. The tumors were causing pressure to build up. so she went through another round of radiation but this time it was just on her brain. The Dr. said that if all went well the tumors would turn to a mush like substance. In July she started her radiation treatment. By September she was all done and things were looking good again. The tumors were nor growing and they were shrinking. The cancer on her lung was still gone and the brain tumors were on there way out as well. Well, the strange ness started up again. Leaving things out forgetting to close doors. She has not backed out of the garage without closing the door yet, but I'm afraid that it will happen. She has an MRI scheduled for Thursday because of all the strange things she has been doing again. My dad will be going with her to talk to the Drs. and see what the next step will be. We are all hoping that, the socalled mush has either moved and is causing pressure somewher else. If that is the case the will go in an operate. If not I have no idea what the next step is.

Thanks for reading this.


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Very sorry to hear your mom is going through this again. It is so hard to watch as someone you love goes through so much sickness and fear.

I just wanted to welcome you, and I will keep you and your mom in my prayers.

Also wanted to let you know to check into Cyberknife for your mom if the brain mets have returned. My husband had mets and had Whole brain radiation. Usually once you receive radiation they can not radiate again. However there are facilities that do cyberknife treatments. We were told that WBR does not exclude future cyberknife or gamma knife procedures as they are targeted and do not damage the surrounding brain tissue.

Attached is a link to a website that will allow you to find a location in your area that offers this treatment.


Much love and prayers,


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Hi Theresa,

Sorry you need to be visiting the board. I've had two rounds of radio surgery for brain mets. Last July and again last week. The mets were found with a MRI which I have as part of my follow up, every 3 months. In both cases, I was fortunate because there were no symtoms and the mets were found early -less than 1mm. They used the Novalis machine on mine. I understand I can have this procedure multiple times without a problem (and there is no pain at all).

What type of cancer does your mother have? You might also want to ask the doctor if regular MRIs should be scheduled.

Best wishes.


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Hello Theresa

Just wanted to say hello and welcome you to this wonderful site. Please feel free to ask any and all questions you have and know that someone here will no doubt be along to help you out.

You, your mom and your family are in my prayers,


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First I want to say hi and welcome to these boards! Others have already offered great comment on the brain mets. The only thing I would add is that weird bloodwork (like off-electrolytes) can also end up in this kind of strange behavior. Do you happen to know what her bloodwork is like?

Keep us posted. We are here for you,


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