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Well Here we go again


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Ok, today was just a wonderful day for me. The boss who gave me so much trouble, who I wrote about a few months ago, today we are told she's "resigning." Now, of course, no one knows if it's voluntary or not, but who cares. She's gone as of the end of August. This makes my life so much better!

The new person, of course, could be good or bad, but at least it'll be a new beginning. That's good. I've invested almost 12 years with this place. I'm now 53 years young and it's not easy to get a new job under my circumstances. A good while back I had a good talk with the Man Upstairs and told him either a- let them give me unemployment or b- get rid of her. Well, prayers answered!

Don't get me wrong, I don't wish for trouble, but this woman truly made my life HELL every chance she got. She demanded sick notes from the dr. for the littelest things. She told me to change dr. appointments, which I refused to do. I had to get a note telling her that I couldn't be around dust and couldn't lift heavy objects. That really cranked her chain! The best was not letting me take St. Patrick's day off to go to the parade with my daughter. It turned out to be her last St. Patrick's day. I'll never forget that one. Can't wait till they take up the collection. OOPS, I'm in the Ladies Room! Good things REALLY DO HAPPEN TO ME SOMETIMES!!!!

Joanie :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Good things happen to good people.

All good things come to those that wait.

What goes around comes around.

Well, I think you get the picture! :wink:

Is this something we should be doing the HAPPY DANCE FOR??? :D:wink: This sounds as good as having an empty head!!! tee hee tee hee !!!!

Lifes little pleasures! ((((JOANIE)))))

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Joanie...sounds like time to get out the party hats for a celebration. I know how relieved you must be. I know how you feel about the heavy pressure that working with disagreeable people can bring on. I don't mind working...not at all. But...I do hate working with and for overbearing, mean spirited individuals! Hey...I think we should all go to the pub for a drink! I'm buying! Where's Cindi???

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