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Blessed with Remission!!!


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We met with the onc today!!!!! She was amazed at Dad's progress, encouraged by the lack of anything negative in the body, and extremely informational about the brain radiation. "We consider you in remission now, and if you keep this up after five years, we will call you cured," she said. Of course statistics say that 40% of SCLC survivors will have reoccurance, we know that some will not, and we are hoping that for dad.

We decided as a family that Dad will progress with brain radiation as a preventative...though she was certain that almost all who have it have SOME short term memory loss. She made sure we realize that the degree of that can vary tremendously.

He is done with chemo, has 15 low dose brain radiation treatments left, might get a room at Hope Lodge again, and can drink his celebratory beer! Life is good!

I saw my parents holding hands today! Amazing, awesome, inspiring, and heart-wrenching...all at the same time.

Thank you for all your prayers, as they have certainly worked the miracle I knew they could. Please continue as I will do the same for you all!

God bless,


He has a slight

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Thank the LORD! That chemo and radaition did the TRICK! :wink::wink: AMEN!

Sooo SOOOO HAPPY for you,your dad, and your family.

There are a LOT of long term SCLC Survivors running around this world. I just spent my afternoon with two of them. One is a 7 year and one is a 6 year survivor. :D:D My prayers are that your dad will be a long term survivor too! :wink:

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Hi Jen,

I remember how upset you were. Could you believe the difference, that was then, this is now.

Iam sooooooo happy for all of you. Your mom and dad holding hands...PRICELESS!!!

I love this good news forum. It gives so much hope to those who are so scared. Miracles happen everyday.

Maryanne :wink:

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