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Hello my LCSC Family


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I'm sorry I've shy away for a minute. I needed to get my mind off from the whole cancer horror I went through with my husband. I am doing well and went back to work July 4th. It helped me so much to be out and about. I still cry and scream out of the blue, but all in all, I am functioning by the grace of God. I made myself very active in church and do nothing but worship God with every breath that I take. I am never the same person I was before this disease hits home, looking back I can't imagine where my strength and my husbands strength came from. My God is a good God and I know he will heal me in his time. I welcome my new beginning, I just don't know where to begin. I just want to let everyone know how much I love each and everyone of you here. I do pray for a cure for this monster.

Love to all


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glad You checked In and Good To hear from You. It is ggod to know that you are going forward in Life and doing ok now. THe paindulls but never really goes away. Much Joy and Love to you in your journey and pop in whenever if you feel the need to.

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I am so so sorry, that this ever had to happen in the first place. I pray that God heals you. God bless you for staying strong, and making it day by day. Malou, you are such a strong woman, and I am just so glad to see you back.

God bless,


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It's so very good to hear from you!!! Your strength and faith in God is surely a great testimonial for many of us. When lung cancer touches our lives, we truly are forever changed. I am so glad that you have something to put your heart into that will help to ease your pain. Please keep in touch and know that you are in our thoughts.

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Glad to 'see' you, Malou. I've been wondering about you. I am glad to hear you are doing okay and getting along. I've missed you here, but glad you are being able to leave this cancer behind you. Hopefully your 'new beginning' will be the start of more wonderful things in your life.

None of us are ever the same as before after we are hit with LC. You and Thomas were incredibly strong in your efforts to beat back this disease. Maybe now you can take a deep breath and rid yourself of some of the tension it caused. I am proud of how you are doing, Malou. Hope you visit us from time to time. Good luck.


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