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Fell asleep at the Wheel


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After four rounds of chemo and daily radiation and working mostly full time, I'm worn out. I fell asleep at the wheel yesterday on the way to radiation and luckily for me all I did was wreck my brand new tires. I had to call my husband to come rescue me. I'm so fortunate I had not hurt myself or anyone else. Now I'm afraid to drive. two more rounds of Chemo and 15 more days of radiation..I need to get through this. Anyhow, thanks for listening!


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Might be a good time to not drive unless you are fully rested. The hum of the road and the climate control along with a tired driver are an ugly combination. Can your husband take you to the appointments or at least one way with someone else covering the other?

It coulda been so much worse, follow through on the wake-up call and take care of yourself. Whew! :shock:



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Thank goodness you weren't hurt or anyone else. Anyway someone could drive you to work until you finish the next few rounds? Public transportation? I won't even mention taking some time off, cause if you could, I'm sure u would.

I'm sure you'll get through this somehow. Stay safe and feel well.


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Have you any of those well intentioned friends ask you if there is anything they can do??? Well, tell them YES and ask for some rides. If not, try to recruit some help for yourself. You won't be doing anyone any good continuing in the shape you are in. We like to think of ourselves as SUPERWOMEN, but, believe me, sometimes we just gotta give it up. Hope you can figure something out. I'll be thinking of you and sending you my most positive vibes.


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I'm glad you're ok, you don't need any more stress then you already are going thru. Please reach out to your family, husband or friends if they are nearby, I bet you, you have people around you that are so willing to help in any way. If you don't, talk to the hospital/ social worker, I know my husbands' hosp. has volunteers and vans that can be set up to pick up and take people home. I remember one day, when my husband had radiation, he was so tired afterwards, that 2 people at the cancer ctr took him home, one drove his car and the other followed!!!

So please reach out, it's not a bad thing to ask for help!!!

( also, I don't know where you live, but if you're on a busline, perhaps they can help you out...)


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I am so glad that you nor anyone else was hurt. Do heed your wake up call and do what is needed for you to stay safe. Remember you are only going to have this treatment for a little while. You don't want anything to stop you from getting to surgery. After surgery and rest you can go back to your routine. Take care.

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Thank goodness you're OK! If no other transportation is available from friends/family when you need it and public transport isn't working the way you need it to either, taking a cab is better than the alternative you just went through.

My hackles go up when it comes to this issue of transportation, as the general community options available to meet our needs essentially don't exist -- at least in my neck of the woods they don't. Even the special community van options that are supposed to be there for patients are horrible and often leave the patient being picked up as much as an hour before an appointment and waiting around for pick up 2+ hours after an appointment: not great if you're a high needs O2 person or happen to be in the midst of miserable side effects where reasonableness in time really is of the essence.

So,so glad you're OK.


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Wow -- what a shocker! Hopefully you will find someone able to drive you. This combo of rad/chemo is SOOOO exhausting. Please take care of yourself! Is there any possibility that you can get a leave from work for the time being until you are stronger?

Be careful -- we want you to BEAT this disease!


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Lilly, I am so very glad to hear your okay!

I tend to get a little on the upset side when people do there treatments and drive themselves. I too learned the hard way that that is a NO NO! I had NO BUSINESS driving myself to and from my treatments. :roll::oops::oops: I was so very lucky that nothing happened, but I look back at it now, and OH MY GOD, :shock::shock: I should NOT Have DONE THAT! :oops:

ACS has a program called Road To Recovery for cancer patients that need a ride to and from there treatments.(it's FREE) My uncle lived in the middle of the woods 75 miles from where he did his treatments and he was able to get a ride from people in that program. I hope you'll please check into it, or at least ask someone to take you for your treatments. There are different programs offered for people in need of rides. All area's are different, so you might want to see what is offered in your area.

Some doc's will tell there patients not to drive, were as others never say a thing.

I know for me, if I would have hurt or killed someone during that time that I drove myself to my treatments, I don't know if I could have lived with that. Thank God I was lucky!

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Wow, Lilly, how frightening for you. Unfortunately, the fatigue will increase as you continue chemo/radiation. You'll have to find a way to pace yourself. As for driving, are you sure there isn't an alternative to driving yourself to treatment? I'm sure friends and family would be happy to be given a job. They truly do want to help. Keep us posted.


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The doctors think I could have had a blood pressure drop from the different meds I'm taking and passed out in either case they agree with me that I should cut down driving until treatments are over. My husband will drive me to radiation daily while my brother will pick up the kids at camp. I will initially start with my husband also driving me to work but then will start grabbing some rides from co-workers closest to my house so that my husband doesn't have to go back and forth. (we are also concerned about money unfortunately the gas prices keep going up and we have a family of five to maintain). I'm only going to drive to the grocery store, short drive errands for now. I do really feel so lucky that I didn't run anyone over and cannot believe this happened. Thank you God for keeping me and the innocent bystanders safe.

Thanks all for your kind words.


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I am so glad that you have the help you needed! When my husband had his seizure in April, the drs. looked at me and said "you're driving, right"...well yes, you got to you what you got to do! It may not be all that conveinent but hey your health and safety are number one priority!!!

I hope you won't have any more blackouts! Take care.


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